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What is CARN?

Carn is a 24 page high-quality magazine produced by the Celtic League and published three times a year. Its contents are submitted by the branches and independent contributors. Articles cover a broad range of topics from current affairs, political reporting, and news on the Celtic nationalist movements to the Celtic languages, wider cultural matters, and the related campaigns of the League across the political, language and Human Rights issues.

The magazine contains six national sections plus a general Celtica section. The magazine is mainly in English, however, each of the national sections contains articles in the national language and CARN is, in fact, the only magazine that always publishes material in all the Celtic languages.

The Editor would welcome articles for CARN, which must relate to our aims. These can be sent by email (preferably) as ASCII text (.txt files) – no formatted text, please. Appropriate photographs should be sent with them if possible. All material published becomes copyright of CARN unless otherwise agreed.

For more details, contact the Editor at

The due date for material is usually the first week of the third month of each year. CARN is supplied as part of the membership including postage and packing: