Not More Nuclear Nasties?

December 23, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Now there’s you thinking the only ‘nuclear nasties’ adjacent to us were either at Sellafield with its cracked ponds and iffy drainage or Heysham with its creaky old power station which is having the ‘service life’ rung out

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Heavy Rain In Cumbria – Wash Day At Sellafield!

November 20, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There are several of the most severe categories of flood warnings issued for Cumbria today and study of the rainfall radar will show that the area is taking a battering and has been for over 24 hours. Along

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Inside Sellafield: But Don’t Mention ‘The Experiment’

August 21, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE BBC 4s well trailed documentary ‘Inside Sellafield’ told us nothing really new about the ghastly nuclear waste repository on the doorstep of several of the Celtic countries. The programme touched on the amateurish way the whole operation was

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New Sellafield Reactor Poses Potential Risk

March 17, 2015

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Just days after we commented on the lack of firm opposition from the Manx and Irish governments to so called ‘new build’ nuclear plants a US Nuclear expert has warned about possible dangers. In our report on opposition

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Irish Government Pressed on Sellafield Ponds Danger

November 27, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Following the revelations in the Ecologist magazine about the dilapidated and dangerous nature of storage ponds at Sellafield the Celtic League has raised the issue with the Irish government. Ireland (via various agencies) has an agreement on exchange

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New Sellafield Concerns

November 26, 2014

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Manx branch of the Celtic League is to ask the Manx government what representations to the United Kingdom are ongoing following revelations last month about the hazardous nature of storage ponds at the Sellafield Plant. The issue

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RPII/Sellafield Friendly Agreement Queried

January 6, 2013

NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE RPII/SELLAFIELD FRIENDLY AGREEMENT QUERIED The Celtic League has written to the RPII querying the value of the `friendly agreement’ it has with Sellafield. The move follows the adoption of a resolution on the issue at the 2012 Celtic

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Sellafield A Clear And Present Danger

May 13, 2011

SELLAFIELD A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER Some of the media in the Isle of Man finally woke up last week to the fact that the Island has one of the most dangerous nuclear installations on the globe right on its doorstep (see link):

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Nuclear Safety: Sellafield Leak And Power Station Issues

April 22, 2011

NUCLEAR SAFETY: SELLAFIELD LEAK AND POWER STATION ISSUES The latest quarterly statement from the Office for Nuclear Regulation indicates that there was a small leakage of plutonium contaminated liquid at the Sellafield reprocessing plant during the first quarter of 2011. Details of the

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IAEA: Questions Posed On Sellifield Stormwater Monitoring

April 3, 2011

IAEA: QUESTIONS POSED ON SELLAFIELD STORMWATER MONITORING The IAEA has been asked by the Celtic League to validate a stance taken by the United Kingdom Environment Agency (EA) on the monitoring of surface water run-off from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. The move

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