Not More Nuclear Nasties?
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Now there’s you thinking the only ‘nuclear nasties’ adjacent to us were either at Sellafield with its cracked ponds and iffy drainage or Heysham with its creaky old power station which is having the ‘service life’ rung out
Heavy Rain In Cumbria – Wash Day At Sellafield!
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE There are several of the most severe categories of flood warnings issued for Cumbria today and study of the rainfall radar will show that the area is taking a battering and has been for over 24 hours. Along
Inside Sellafield: But Don’t Mention ‘The Experiment’
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE BBC 4s well trailed documentary ‘Inside Sellafield’ told us nothing really new about the ghastly nuclear waste repository on the doorstep of several of the Celtic countries. The programme touched on the amateurish way the whole operation was
New Sellafield Reactor Poses Potential Risk
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Just days after we commented on the lack of firm opposition from the Manx and Irish governments to so called ‘new build’ nuclear plants a US Nuclear expert has warned about possible dangers. In our report on opposition
Irish Government Pressed on Sellafield Ponds Danger
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE Following the revelations in the Ecologist magazine about the dilapidated and dangerous nature of storage ponds at Sellafield the Celtic League has raised the issue with the Irish government. Ireland (via various agencies) has an agreement on exchange
New Sellafield Concerns
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE The Manx branch of the Celtic League is to ask the Manx government what representations to the United Kingdom are ongoing following revelations last month about the hazardous nature of storage ponds at the Sellafield Plant. The issue
RPII/Sellafield Friendly Agreement Queried
NEWS FROM THE CELTIC LEAGUE RPII/SELLAFIELD FRIENDLY AGREEMENT QUERIED The Celtic League has written to the RPII querying the value of the `friendly agreement’ it has with Sellafield. The move follows the adoption of a resolution on the issue at the 2012 Celtic
Sellafield A Clear And Present Danger
SELLAFIELD A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER Some of the media in the Isle of Man finally woke up last week to the fact that the Island has one of the most dangerous nuclear installations on the globe right on its doorstep (see link):
Nuclear Safety: Sellafield Leak And Power Station Issues
NUCLEAR SAFETY: SELLAFIELD LEAK AND POWER STATION ISSUES The latest quarterly statement from the Office for Nuclear Regulation indicates that there was a small leakage of plutonium contaminated liquid at the Sellafield reprocessing plant during the first quarter of 2011. Details of the
IAEA: Questions Posed On Sellifield Stormwater Monitoring
IAEA: QUESTIONS POSED ON SELLAFIELD STORMWATER MONITORING The IAEA has been asked by the Celtic League to validate a stance taken by the United Kingdom Environment Agency (EA) on the monitoring of surface water run-off from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. The move
- ▼2024 (9)
- ▼2023 (66)
- ▼ Dec (6)
- ▼ Oct (6)
- ▼ Sep (13)
- Irish Military Storm Drugs Ship
- Celtic Treasures - Reclaiming The Chronicles - Getting ‘Out On The Stump’
- The Chronicles Are Not Ours Says Manx Chief Minister!
- Modest Memorial to a Great Nationalist
- Separatism and Secession
- Discontent Fuels Separatist Rumbles
- A Wish to Have a Homeland!
- ‘The Boys of The Old Brigade’ Still Packing Them In!
- Welsh Hero Remembered
- Medical Society Solidarity as Manx Nurses Strike!
- Depleted Uranium and 'Khaki Conservation' - Closer to Home
- ▼ Jul (4)
- ▼ Jun (5)
- ▼ Apr (6)
- P.T Mac Ruairí Irish Language and Interceltic Activist RIP
- Manx Government Department Buys Cameras From Company Involved in Repression of Uyghur
- Wind Power: Sixty Years Ago the Isle of Man 'Missed the Boat'
- ‘Untouched Mann' Courtesy of an Eccentric Recluse!
- The Calf Crucifixion Was There a Second Soldier?
- FOR EASTER: Calf of Man Crucifixion Altar Slab
- ▼ Mar (12)
- Wales is being shafted - time and time again
- Heysham Life Extension Must Meet Acceptable Safety Parameters
- NATO - Russia: Drone Destruction Increases Tension
- Ireland: Plastic Bullet Use Once Again Under Scrutiny
- Agnes O’Farrelly – Interceltic and Irish Language Activist
- Yemen: The Forgotten People We Helped To Kill!
- Thirty Years On: The Trial of the Cyfamdwyr Three
- Recalling Breton Solidarity Twenty Years On
- The Tragedy of the Community of Epynt
- ‘Do You Go Out and Do Something For Your Country?’
- ‘Torn Towns and Concrete Fields'
- The Girl in the ‘Silk Kimono’ - Unlikely Revolutionary
- ▼ Feb (6)
- ▼ Jan (8)
- 'The Welshman'
- Lengthy Campaign Ends With New Rights For Migrant Fishermen
- Human Rights Defenders Should Be Listened To - UN Special Rapporteur
- Ireland - Drift Towards European Military Alliances Continues
- Reds' - Promoting 'The Green Agenda' Forty Years Ago!
- Holocaust: The Major Who Cared
- Bloavezh mat
- Illiam Dhone - I Think of Deemsters Locked Up and Smile
- ▼2022 (61)
- ▼ Dec (7)
- ▼ Nov (1)
- ▼ Sep (1)
- ▼ Aug (1)
- ▼ Jun (21)
- UK Reneges on International agreement on Northern Protocol
- President of Ireland Condemns Housing Crisis - 'a Disaster'
- Celtic League - Twelve Years as an Accredited UN NGO
- French Navy Back Down Over Military Exercise in Irish EEZ
- NILS Scheme Will Help Financially Challenged
- The Girl in the Green Polka Dot Skirt - The Photographer
- Inflation is not going to have a summer holiday!
- Sallins Robbery Comes Back to Haunt Garda 'Heavy Gang'
- 'Clean Oceans' Initiative For World Ocean Day
- War Criminals!
- Military Tests Scheduled For Irish Sea
- Losing the "Local" Dimensian
- Ex Army Camp Plan Under Fire
- Senedd Cross Party Group on Peace Matters
- Big March in Belfast in Support of Irish Language Act
- The 'Daughters of Ireland'
- I Stumble On A Name
- Election Successes in the Celtic Countries
- Remembering Martin O'Hagan on World Press Freedom Day
- Award Celebrates Great Manxwoman and Pillar of the Inter-Celtic Movement
- School Master To Soldier - Commander In Chief Padraig Pearse
- ▼ Apr (8)
- ▼ Mar (2)
- ▼ Feb (4)
- ▼ Jan (16)
- Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Express Concern Over Naval Exercise
- Irish Fishermen Plan To Fish In Russian Naval Exercise Area
- Yemen: Aircrew Trained In Cymru and Mann Kill 200 - Children Among Dead
- Ireland: Russian Military Exercise IAA Issue NOTAM
- Strange Place For A 'Russian Holiday' - Perhaps Not!
- Russian - Ukraine Conflict Just Got Closer
- Ireland: SAR Contract has Implications For All Coastal Communities Around These Islands
- A Great Manxman
- 'Action Is Better Than Words' (Written Or Otherwise) I Was Told!
- CPT Criticise Spain's Treatment Of Basque Prisoners
- Lets Stop The Faroes Slaughter In 2022!
- Laa Nollick Beg (Manx)
- Taking A Stand!
- Concern Munitions Laden Aircraft Traversed Irish Airspace
- Illiam Dhone 2022: Paul Molten (IOM TV)
- 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'
- ▼2021 (187)
- ▼ Dec (9)
- Happy New Year 2022
- Nedeleg Laouen ha Bloavezh Mat
- Success in Supreme Court for Hooded Men
- Science Provides Proof For Celtic Folklore
- 'It's Ours We Put A Flag On It' - Irish Fishermen say 'Feck Off'!
- 'Something in the Water'
- An 'Official History' or Rewriting the Past!
- UK Covered Up Years of Pollution from Windscale Prior to the 1957 Fire
- ▼ Nov (15)
- Stealing a Country - Torture and Murder by the British Army in Oman
- CARN Special 60th Anniversary Double Issue
- Cymru: St David's Day Petition and Wales 'Levelled Down'
- The British Army: Murder and Mayhem in Kenya
- On This Day - Padraig Pearse 'The Salt of his Generation' Was Born
- Raging Grannies Protest against continued allowed use of Shannon Airport, Ireland, by US Military
- Meet The 'Shen Lan'!
- 'Offensive To Justice'
- Mixed Fortunes of First Female Barristers
- Families Remain Unconvinced by British Inquest Conclusion Sinking of Bugaled Breizh an Accident
- Cooish 2021
- Fish Dispute Wider European Perspective
- Does The British Army's Violent Legacy Live On?
- Daphne Champions Children's Commissioner Role
- Llanbedr Twinned With Las Vegas!
- ▼ Oct (29)
- Five Years After We Highlighted This Issue Abuse of Migrant Seafarers Goes On!
- Ireland; Maynooth University Migrant Fishermen Report (PDF Downloads at ITWF)
- Fifty Years Ago a British Minister Formally Approved Torture in N Ireland
- Fiftieth Anniversary of Cumman na mBan Deaths
- United Kingdom Day of Shame!
- Cymru: Commision Will Look At All Options Including Independence
- Peace and Neutrality Alliance Comhaontas Na Neodrachta Agus Síochána
- Cymru: 'In the Middle of a Housing Crisis'
- A Society Where Poverty Can be Impossible
- Film About Welsh Journalist Targetted By Putin Thugs!
- 'Getting Into Bed With The Devil'
- Kernow: Single Berth 'Temporary' Cabins To Meet Need
- Munnelly Another 'Bridge Too Far' For The British Army
- BBC Report on AUOB Kernow March
- Cornwall is on the march!
- Ghastly Tory Calls Nationalists 'Extremists'
- Scottish Office Appointment Points to "Sleaze at the Heart of the UK Government"
- Bugaled Breizh - New Inquest
- Bugaled Breizh: Probe Into Fishermen's Death Reconvenes
- 'Is the Johnson Government Returning to Colonialism'
- 'The English Give Them An Inch'
- Sixty Years On From 'Operation Harvest'
- Accepting An English 'Governor' Shows Immaturity says Mec Vannin
- Let's Have 'Muscular Collaboration' Across the Celtic Nations Says Adam Price
- Westminster Snub Highlights Need For Cornish Parliament or Assembly Now!
- 'Arrogant Attitude' by Westminster to Cornish Language Slammed in Senedd
- MOD Adopt 'Out of Sight Out of Mind' Policy Towards Toxi Sea Dump Legacy!
- Storm Clouds Over Sellafield
- Thoughts on the Days Ahead Following the Manx General Election
- ▼ Sep (12)
- Dail Focus On 'Energy Hungry' DATA Centres
- As Manx Debate Efficacy of Gas Extraction New Shetland Field Set For Green Light!
- Cornwall: Housing Crisis Leads to Clash Between Tenants Group and Police and Bailiffs at Eviction
- Yesterday Was Quiet!
- Anniversary of a Death of a Great Nationalist
- 9/11 and 'Our Saudi Friends'
- Sleazy Offshore Centre and the Disgraced Police Chief
- A New Cornish Language Magazine
- Spertrawlers Pose Environmental Emergency
- Concern Over Possible New Powers For Nuclear Cops
- Nuclear New Build Option Should be Opposed
- ▼ Aug (3)
- ▼ Jul (10)
- League UN Submission Has Been Published
- De Valera Manx Language Initiative Recalled
- New British Involvement in Yemen Tragedy Revealed
- Groups Protest 'D Notice' on Nuclear Risks
- A Good Man!
- One Part of Empire Where ' The Sun Never Set'
- Armed Forces Day
- RAF Valley I'm Impressed
- RAF Queried About Payment For Airport Use
- Celtic Congress - 1921 (Isle of Man)
- ▼ Jun (15)
- Mannin: Another Sponger Heads For Government House
- Children Spell It Out For G7 Leaders
- 'High Intensity Subversion'
- Getting To Know The League
- The League - Over a Decade as a UN NGO
- Ludlow Murder Still Stirs Controversy
- Kernow: Is It Right Homeless People Are Evicted So That Joe Biden Can Have a Good Conference?
- Kernow: No 10 Asked For View On Cornish Families Evictions
- Homeless Evicted Ahead of G7
- G7: The Stark Reality To Indulgence With An Ocean Backdrop
- Veteran of the Calf of Man Campaign Dies
- Destruction of Mannin - A Story Without a Happy Ending
- Ireland: OASA Set For Renewal
- CPT Asked To Inquire Into Home Office 'Mother and Baby Unit'
- ▼ May (19)
- Irish Housing and Renting Crisis Worsens
- Cyber Attack On Irish Health System Will Cost Lives
- St Brendan's Feast Day
- Dalgety - Radiation Clean Up to Take Place
- Protests Over Palestine Grow
- Gaza 'Targeting of Civilians Violates International Law' (UNICEF)
- British Security Forces 'Tricks' are Still Around and the 'Dirt'!
- Isle of Man: An Island Led by Rogue Sheep
- Scottish CND Slam 'Strike Warrior' Exercise
- Navy Clyde Pollution 'Very Toxic to Aquatic Life'
- Centenary of Irish White Cross
- Bretons Remember Bobby Sands
- The 100th Anniversary of a Flawed Concept
- Something Fishy Off Donegal!
- 'Gunplot' - 'Put Your Trust in Princes'
- RTÉ Celtic Themes It's Dawn Chorus With The Inter Celtic
- Green Power On The Back Of A Genocide?
- Fires Devastate Fragile For Wildlife
- CARN Spring 2021 (No 179)
- ▼ Apr (14)
- Ireland - Never Mind Facebook What About 'The Thames House Gang'
- An Atlantic fishing Tradition That's 'In The Blood'
- 'Republic Of Ireland Act 1948.
- Breton, Basque, Alsatian -The Richness of Languages
- 'The Playboy of the Western World'
- Tomb Find 'Untouched' and 'Unusual'
- ARU Deployed Then Just as You Think Things Couldn't Get Worse the SAS Appear!
- Academic Feminist and Founding Member of Cumann na mBan
- 'The Blood Never Dried'
- Easter and 'The love That Dare Not Speak Its Name'
- Easter Rising Commemoration
- The Sheehy-Skeffingtons
- Journalist Who Exposed Labour Camps Forced To Leave China
- No Other 'Ism Than Nationalism'
- ▼ Mar (24)
- Great Minds Think Alike!
- CR Gas - Something to Hide?
- CR Gas Secrets Remain Sealed
- New 'Alba' Party
- Mná na hEireann - Cumann na mBan
- 'Rebel Doctor' The Story of Kathleen Lynn
- All RAF & RNAS Trainers Grounded
- Cornwall Crash Illustrates Dangers From Military Training
- The United Nations 'A Force for Good in a Troubled World'
- United Nations HLPF 2021
- British Cultural Institutions Are Thieves
- RAF Respond on Irish Airspace Incursion Query
- Council of Europe Move Gives Impetus to Finucane Murder Probe
- New Date for Reconvened MFV Bugaled Breizh Tragedy
- RAF Incursion into Irish Airspace - Update
- Press Release: A United Call to Demonstrate in Support of the Breton Language
- RAF Incursion Into Irish Airspace Queried by League
- Bill Sends a Missive to Greta
- New Twist in Bugaled Breizh Inquiry
- Traveller Ethnic Discrimination Condemned by UK Government
- The US Respects the Cultural and Other Heritage of Mexico. Why Can't the UK Do the Same for Us?
- Celtic Friends! Where Are They When You Need Them?
- League Pledge Solidarity Over Breton Language Struggle
- Holy Loch is not just a footnote from history
- ▼ Feb (16)
- Further Breaches of Covid Rules by US Military in Shannon Area. Stop the use of Shannon Airport by the US Military.
- Sinn Féin Protest Over Breton Language
- French Government Attack on the Breton Language
- PESCO Finds the Irish Defence Forces with an Unwelcome 'Ally'
- 'Torpedoed' - Royal Navy Help Saudi's Vet Aid Shipments to Yemen
- 'Drones of Death' Factory for Belfast
- ITLOS Decision Vindicates Lengthy League Campaign
- Housing Need - In Focus
- 'Carry on up the Calder' - Sellafield Given a Year to Get 'Switched' On to Electrical Safety!
- Heysham 1 Nuclear: ONR Issue Compliance Direction Over Pressure System Safety
- Holocaust Day - Time to Remember Mann's Role in Rwanda Genocide
- 'Inherit the Wind' - And the Hydrogen
- Scottish Blogger faces Kafkaesque Nightmare
- Covid: Its Business As Usual For The Nuclear Convoys
- Ireland: Suggested MAOC Naval Commitment May Stretch Resources
- Nuclear Waste Repository Irish Sea Expert Predicted Armageddon!
- ▼ Jan (21)
- Shannonwatch: Biden and Shannon Airport
- Concerns About National Library of Wales Funding
- Was Manx Fonseca Office Connected to the Russians - Shame the Records Were Shredded!
- Brexit Fisheries 'Fall Out' - Ireland North and South Reach Agreement
- CPT Respond on Bayoh Case
- League Highlight New Evidence Over Police Scotland Death to CPT
- Sixty Years of the Celtic League
- 'Everything Comes To Those Who Wait'
- 'Let's Get Real' If Holyrood Wants to Take a Hard Line on Fishing Ban Supertrawlers
- Post Brexit Rockall Issue Becomes Live!
- Three Massive Super Trawlers in Irish Waters
- United Nations World Food Programme Nobel Peace Prize
- Ireland France Freight link Avoids Brexit Britain
- Bloavezh Mat 2021 from the Celtic League Breizh Branch
- Bloavezh Mat 2021
- "Band Cambria will be playing for John Jenkins 11th January
- Wreath Laid Today For Illiam Dhone
- League View on Military Situation in Ireland in 90's Vindicated by Archive Papers
- Archives Reveal Pressure on British Over McAliskey Case
- Mannin: 2021 - A Year of Promises - Don't Believe Them
- Breaking News - Oil Tanker Runs Aground in Lough Foyle
- ▼ Dec (9)
- ▼2020 (213)
- ▼ Dec (11)
- Manx Government Faces Legal Action Over Prisoners
- MEP's debate the importance of neutrality to the European peace movement
- Bombing of Irish Lights Vessel Remembered
- Did Jenkins Give NATO a 'Headache' That Lasted Long After His Imprisonment?
- 'His Struggles Led to a New Awakening'
- John Barnard Jenkins RIP (1933 - 2020) A Welsh Hero
- Manx Govt: Overseas Aid Applications Sought - £2.5 Million Budget
- Fishing - Where Will the Battle Lines be Drawn in the Case of a 'No Deal'
- Scottish Government Distances Itself From Use Of Force Over Fishing
- 'War At Sea?'
- British Army Criminals Get 'Green Light' From ICC Over War Crimes
- ▼ Nov (18)
- Ireland Embraces the 'Dunkirk Spirit'
- US Pressure Means UK Many Finally be Held to Account for Killing of Lawyer
- Recalling Paul on a Boat Journey from Dublin
- Book of Paul Lebiedzinski's Poetry to be Published
- 'Fishrot 2' Another Super Trawler Corruption Affair
- Name and Registration Changes - The Shadowy World of the Super Trawler
- Irish Naval Service to Procure New €200m Multi-Role Vessel
- New Research Sheds Light on Niemba UN Tragedy
- Howard Chamberlain - 'Fish In Our Time'
- On This Day!
- The Reality of Brexit for the Fishing Industry
- 'Brains, Not Pudding, In Your Head'?
- English Thieves have Stolen Our Fish!
- Fishing Rights Sell Out - A Pretend Government and a Usless Tynwald
- An Inter-Gaelic Book For Santa's Bag
- Nuclear Plan Spells Danger For RSPB Site
- 'Spy in the Sky' Warning from Senior Irish Military Officers'
- NI Prisons - League Express Concern Over Solitary Confinement Sanctions and Breach of UN 'Mandela Rules'
- ▼ Oct (21)
- Stunning Victory For Peace Activists
- MI5 to Concentrate on China says 'Harry Potter'
- 'There's Something in the Water'
- 'The Spies Who Splash Round in the Cold'
- More Detail on Saudi Pilot Training
- CPT Highlights 'Excessive Force' Concern Over Female Inmates in Scottish Jail
- Hunterston - Office for Nuclear regulation 'EDF's Pet Poodle' Claim
- Bycatch Threat to Cetaceans
- Seabird Decline - Irish Sea
- If Only We Had Politicians With That 'Metal' Now
- A Story of Developers with 'Politicians in their Pockets'
- Ripples in a Celtic Tide
- Celtic Areas - War Games Playground For NATO
- Whale 'Herding' Fiasco Abandoned - Mammal's Distressed by Day Long Attempt to Aid NATO
- Stoltenberg 'Bottlenose Whale I Prefer it Grilled'
- League Protest 'War on Whales'
- Move The Military Not The Whales!
- Seal Shoot Cull Condemned as 'Insane'
- Journalist Who Exposed Bloody Sunday Massacre Events Dies
- Welsh Speaking Prisoners Penalised Allegation
- War Games Hazard To Mariners
- ▼ Sep (16)
- At Last! Independent Ludlow Investigation Announced
- Rathlin a Crossroads in the Sea of Moyle
- When KPMG Are Not Arranging Multi Million Pound Refunds on Corporate Jets...
- 'A Place in the Park' with 'DRUIDGREGORY'
- From 'The Butcher of Bahrain' to the PSNI
- 'Unquiet Graves'
- Yemen: Helping War Criminals Kill 2000 Children
- Plan to Scrap Wylfa Plan Welcome
- CARN Packed with Articles and Colour from Front to Back!
- Irish Government Urged to Press UK on Dangerous Exercise Arears
- Lets Not Replicate a Bright Concept Born in Haste and Destined to Fail
- Those Saudi Air Trainess have Got Weapons - Shock!
- Stena Ferry Sub 'Near Miss' RN Incorporating 'Safety Lessons'
- MFV - Submarine incident Navy say its exercise areas are subject to periodic review
- Forceful criticism by COE of UK and Stormont failings over Irish Language Act
- UK in the 'naughty corner' on Celtic languages and Scots
- ▼ Aug (23)
- Shannon part of 'The US Military Conveyor Belt of Death'
- RAF - Saudi training plan 'shot down'
- Prison watchdog alerted to Yemen protest military detention
- Detained soldier a prisoner of conscience
- Former Manx Governor Who Helped Arm and Train the Saudis
- 'High' In Every Sense of the Word - Rise in Use by British Army Soldiers
- Hen Harriers and Eels - Wildlife Crime from Cape Wrath to Finistere!
- Wildlife Crime in Ireland
- Taking apart the mindset of the man who created army murder gangs
- Ireland - Why Has The UN Mercenary Convention Not Been Ratified?
- Racism and the British Army
- The UK Armed Forces -'Guns For Hire'
- Sellafield Woes Set to Continue for Several Days
- Irish Sea Scheme Could Devastate Bird Life Fear
- League Secretary Queries Chief Minister on 'Misguided, Squirrel Plan
- John Hume and 'The Boys of St Columbas'
- History Teaching Shoudn't 'Shy Away' From the Unpleasant Legacy of Empire
- MOD quizzed on Saudi defence links which tie Isle of Man to pilot training
- League Query MOD Donegal Fishing Fracas
- 'Yesterday's' United Kingdom
- 45th Anniversaryof 'Showband Murders'
- 'Mairéad Farrell: An Unfinished Conversation'
- Securing the ancient kelp forest of the Celtic countries
- ▼ Jul (11)
- Tory Island Submarine Clash - Close Encounters of the Worst Kind!
- 'Breach of Sovereignty' Claim off Donegal
- 'The Spy Who Came in from the Gaeltacht'
- A net wall stretching 350 km spells destruction for marine life
- Military Madness in the North Channel
- Navy at fault in submarine/ferry near miss -report finds
- Study Find Recycled Waste Goes into Ocean!
- Demo Over Threat to Breton Language Teaching
- 'Defending the Dependencies'
- Dolphin Bycatch off Brittany and the West of France
- EU Fisheries Commissioner on Preventing Dolphin and porpoise Bycatch
- ▼ Jun (23)
- Why is a firm on the Fylde coast helping territorial thieves?
- The British army getting away with murder?
- Oman: Community Policing PSNI Style!
- 'GCHQ meets Miss Jean Brodie'
- Yemen: Misery Continues as UK prop up Saudi military
- SAS veteran dies and evades justice
- Britain's Bloody Empire!
- Jean Kennedy Smith former US Ambassador to Ireland dies
- I'll take a pass on UK media selective morality!
- The Provisional IRA and 'Das Boot'
- Ireland's membership of UN Security Council and Restoring credibility as a Neutral State
- Statues: Even though Victoria had turned 'green' she got the chop
- Getting shut of statues is not new - Nelson lost his head!
- 'The priest who stayed out in the cold'
- Ireland: 'The Tans' and the war on the creameries
- Lost Welsh community destroyed by the MOD remembered
- Activists rename streets linked to tainted past!
- 'Black Lives Matter' protests across Ireland
- Ministers in 'some' Celtic countries speak out on George Floyd and the US situation
- George Floyd 'parallels' with Sheku Bayou case League reported to the CPT
- St Brendan has a lot to answer for
- Looking for a body in Valladolid
- Celtic Charter for Housing – a Right to a Home Launched by Celtic Language Groups and Activists
- ▼ May (15)
- Surge in YesCymru membership - Ymchwydd yn aelodaeth YesCymru
- First Covid-19 - Now 'The Ghost of Zhou Enlai'
- ‘On Which Side Are You?’ - ‘Where Art and Nationalism Meet’
- CARN 176 is being distributed
- Ireland: Business Tycoon Slammed For Party Antics As Coronavirus Rages
- Coronavirus Laws Led To Wrongful Convictions
- Super Trawlers Still Plunder Protected Areas
- Adams Internment Ruled Unlawful by UK Supreme Court
- Argentine Ambassador To Be Buried in MAYO
- Congo: Air Corps Evacuation of UN Personnel Mooted
- Ireland: Covid-19 Impacting Unifil Rotations
- English lockdown relaxation could prompt new wave of virus
- Base that trains Saudi Killers under fire!
- Irish Government Formation - The Peace Issues
- VE Day Freedom and a Triumph Over Evil?
- ▼ Apr (13)
- We live in dangerous times and not just from pandemics
- Second homes a destructive extravagance and in times like this dangerous
- Continuing Concerns on US Troops Passing through Shannon , particularly during Covid-19 Lockdown
- Ports Dispute ‘Essential Supplies’ Query
- EU Fishing Conglomerates Gorge on Fish Stocks
- Politicians Take a 20% Pay Cut
- A Really Worrying Comparison
- UK Govt Block on PPE For Scotland - Scandal Grows
- The United Kingdom? Not Anymore!
- Scotland: West Coast super Trawler Fishing Frenzy Goes On
- Cymru: Nationalist veteran to stand down from assembly
- More Sellafield waste leaks!
- "Never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English"
- ▼ Mar (3)
- ▼ Feb (4)
- ▼ Jan (55)
- Members of Scottish Parliament vote to hold referendum on independence
- Atlantic Carnage of Marine Mammals Continues
- 'The Last General Secretary'
- ‘Poncho Mamgu’
- Ireland swans decline but thankfully not 'The Children of Lire'
- 'Our of Africa' - The money that is with our help!
- Sellafield: The Leagues Long History of Opposition
- CHERISH is a Welsh - Irish 5 year project looking at the effect of climate change on coastal archæology sites.
- Black &Tan/RIC commemorations must be ruled out completely
- Irish Government Back Down On 'Tans' Commemoration
- Lady Augusta Gregory and the Gaelic Revival
- MFV Loss - Search Resumes in Bad Weather
- 'Come Out Ye Black and Tans'
- Ireland: MFV Loss Search Update
- Super Trawlers Active Again
- Alba: March for Independence
- Search for missing crew man
- Scott Morison and Howard Quayle a pair of insensitive idiots?
- Dhone Commemoration Hears Clear and Powerful Message on Climate Change
- Illiam Dhone 'Few Better Legacies To Be Had'
- The turn of the year and memories
- Blein Vie Noa - Happy New Year
- BAe or 'Carry on up the Ribble'
- Irish Language to achieve full EU status by 2022
- Chagos expulsion 'a crime against humanity'
- Xmas in Yemen
- So what's the nuclear safety landscape post Brexit?
- Ireland: Maritime Patrol Upgrade For Air Corps
- Bird life group condemns EU fishing quotas
- 'Made in Europe, Bombed in Yemen'
- Kelp harvesting by the back door
- The pitfalls of presenting a complex issue as 'easy news'
- 'Baase Illiam Dhone'
- Jolyon Jackson and 'Choughs'
- Celebrating a great hoax!
- US suspends Saudi pilot training but business as usual at RAF Valley
- Recalling the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights
- Fish one of the 'chips' in BREXIT deal
- 'Welsh Language Rights Day'
- International Human Rights Day
- Illegal Unregulated Industrial Fishing
- Super Trawler Update
- Manx Government Should Wake Up To Danger of Saudi Pilots
- 'The Room Is Getting Crowded With Elephants'
- 'An Interesting Woman In Interesting Times'
- Industrialised fishing threatens food security
- ONR and MOD in spat over nuke sub safety reports
- UK links to 'Fishrot' companies
- Biodegradable Fishing Gear Research
- Super Trawler Interests - Investigative reporting at its best!
- Repost: Nato War Games Play Fast and Loose With Marine Life
- France: Monolingualist Government Policy Threatens Language Diversity
- Indigenous Languages Meeting
- ▼ Dec (11)
- ▼2019 (165)
- ▼ Nov (16)
- Latest News on US Vets - Home for Christmas! Best Wishes
- Ireland should rethink its military training pact with UK
- UK joins other 'Rogue States'
- US Veterans Plight - A Live Issue For League
- 'Shooting The Past'
- The Anniversary of the Death of an Irish Poet
- Plague Bombs and Rockets
- SNP pledge to protect NHS against Trump grab
- Cornwall: Mebyon Kernow to fight election
- Wales: Plaid Cymru in election pact
- Sturgeon: Scotland 'At a Crossroads Moment'
- Carbon Footprint: Will Curran and COMIN make you pick up the bill?
- 'Touch and Go' at the airport
- CAP causing 'Catastrophic Decline' in wildlife allegation
- Celtic League Assistant General Secretary Calls For US Vets To Be Allowed Home
- ▼ Oct (7)
- US Vets for Peace Continue their Campaign with walk to the Border – Call for them to be let HOME for Christmas
- Will new inquest shed light on fishing tragedy?
- Varadkar Johnson meeting - Someone had a sense of humour!
- NATO Not Just a Nuisance a Danger
- Condemnation of Spanish prison sentences and support for Catalan imprisoned politicians
- Kurds let down by the British now by the US
- Irish President Confronted in New York by Veteran's Families Over Neutrality Violation
- ▼ Sep (14)
- Introductions to the Celtic languages course held by ‘Carraig’ - Belfast inter-Celtic discussion group
- Celtic League congratulates Comann nam Pàrant on work to increase Gaelic Medium Education
- Fossil Fuel Exploitation and Remobilisation of Sediments
- Peace activists walking to Donegal
- Nuclear Plant Woes
- Treatment of Hooded Men still a live issue
- Breizh: Military Jet Crash Highlights PCMT Issue
- Indian Government Enforcement Body Conducts Ireland - Isle of Man Probe
- Welsh Government: Arms Fair Participation To Be Reviewed
- 'Bridge Over Troubled Waters'
- Kill 'The Eastern Area Plan'
- Irish Language publication highlights Isle of Man Saudi training controversy
- Saudi Pilot Training: Did Chief Minister mislead Tynwald or was he ignorant of the protocol?
- Abd el-Krim forgotten fighter against colonialism
- ▼ Aug (26)
- 70th anniversary of the (4th) Geneva Convention & 'The Law of Innocents'
- League DOI says Manx Govt response on Saudi training 'Not Good Enough'
- Secret and lies and surveillance during 'The Troubles'
- 'Human Rights of Older Persons'
- Successful 2019 AGM of the Celtic League held in Carhaix, Brittany
- The heart of the Rain Forest is burning
- International Atomic Energy Agency pressed on Hunterston restart safety case
- Astonishing decision by UK nuclear regulator
- Councillor refuses to condemn daubing of road signs
- What links the fate of the Amazon rainforest and Irish beef farmers
- 'Mobilize for a Better World'
- Breizh: Protests over threat to political prisoner
- Sellafield anger is muted but La Hague protest still a live issue
- Anti-capitalist groups and NGO's incensed by Macron's choreographed G7
- Protest over French education policy towards the Breton language
- Mass turn out for pro-independence march
- IPCC find a circular exacerbating relationship between land degradation and climate change
- RAF Valley worries about safety but happily trains Saudi murderers!
- Delegates assemble in Breizh for 2019 Celtic League AGM
- Saudis bomb their former 'mates' in Yemen!
- IPCC warning on food security
- Breton help for 'SOS Méditerranée'
- Hunterston B 'Another Potential Chernobyl' Fear
- Warton Lancs part of 'The Axis of Evil' with Ronaldsway and Valley
- Ronaldsway helped train pilots from two other states involved war crimes against Yemen
- 'Triumph of the Tern' - A Good News Story
- ▼ Jul (18)
- Maths Teacher and Revolutionary
- Hebrides Haven For Basking Sharks Proposed
- Ireland: Another court victory for environmentalists
- The tragic destructive legacy of the super trawlers
- National University of Ireland aim to find out what's in the water
- Environmental Europe - Coal No Longer 'King'
- Ireland: Climate campaigners get two positive court decisions
- Children need good food 365 days a years
- Plaid Cymru: New PM is a clown
- Cymru: Council backs independence
- Ireland: Reputation for neutrality could help ease Gulf tension
- Peatlands: 'The Superheroes of Ecosystems'
- Ireland: Hedge slashing ban to stay in place through August
- 'The Salmon Of Knowledge' Becomes An Eco Horror Story
- 'Being IMO Rep Also Means Responsibilities' We Remind The Ambassador
- Irish Government Respond On Migrant Fishermen Concerns
- Iceland Joins Rockall Spat
- Ireland: Civil Rights Veteran Ivan Cooper Dies
- ▼ Jun (15)
- Media Release: Celtic League call for international negotiation to resolve Rockall dispute
- Celtic League calls for international negotiation to resolve Rockall dispute
- Ireland: Government Dispute Armed Forces Pay Crisis
- Wales: Chernobyl Disaster Remembered
- 'Stunning defeat' for UK at UN on Chagos issue
- Call for rights activists to be protected
- 'Tap Tap' places aid workers in peril
- Yemen protest: 'A confused airport director and an affable policemen'
- Saudi murderers yes - peaceful protest no!
- Ministry of Justice pressed on Manx - Saudi defence obligation
- Cut the link between Ronaldsway Airport and RAF Valley
- Yemen: SNP MP hits out at UL policy
- Saudi training! Quayle regime on the wrong side of history
- I'm happy to debate constitutional niceties with CM anytime!
- Art captures the tragic truth of war on innocents
- ▼ May (7)
- League call Manx government stance on Saudi personnel training 'appalling'
- Mechanical Kelp Harvesting Challenged
- 'Floating Monsters' How Apt!
- The Outlaw Ocean 'Rampant Criminality and Exploitation'
- Ireland: Naval Service Commission New Vessel
- Young protesters reject politicians opportunism
- Manx government refuse request to halt possible Saudi aircraft training
- ▼ Apr (12)
- Irish Government urged to press for 'PAGODA' file access
- Irish Government response on US peace activists
- Is the noose being tightened on shadowy world of army collusion and murder
- Defacing Tryweryn Slogan Backfires
- Tackling exploitation of migrant fishermen
- Cadet abuse statistics and hush money details sought
- A 'Super Scary' threat to the marine environment
- A dangerous nuclear legacy on our doorstep
- Does facilitating RAF Valley equate to complicity in Saudi war crimes?
- Support Fund For US 'Veterans For Peace'
- League protest over treatment of ex-servicemen peace campaigners
- ▼ Mar (28)
- Ireland rejects Golan annexation
- Meet your dirty neighbour the MOD
- Our warning on marine resources was prophetic!
- On 41st anniversary of UNIFIL Ireland expands commitment
- Ireland: Ambitious plan to switch to renewables
- Breizh: National Flag National Pride
- Push for more Marine Protection Areas around Ireland
- Training Saudis posed security risk Police Commissioner alleged
- Welsh government were urged not to turn a blind eye to Saudi training at RAF Valley (Nation Cymru)
- RAF Valley and Ronaldsway Airport 'Deja Vu'
- Does our airport support this suffering?
- Use of Ronaldsway Airport by RAF should cease
- As troops, ships and aircraft mass - say No to 'War Games'
- 'You wait for a bus and then...'enemy aircraft!'
- 'Armee Magh' daubing campaign recalled
- Two faces of terror separated by over three decades
- NATO exercises poses threat to marine life
- Celtic Countries Condemn New Zealand Atrocity
- Langness Military Exercise Concern
- Good news on species recovery
- 'Blood Upon The Rose'
- Nuclear core cracks a long running problem
- League concerns about Hunterston nuclear plant prophetic
- Irish Peacekeepers Remembered
- Female environmentalists contribution celebrated
- CPT respond to our complaint over torture of 'witnesses'
- Climate Change: Biomass challenge in European Court
- Nuclear polluters like 'Thieves in the Night'
- ▼ Feb (10)
- Two decades on a significant victory for humanity
- Mann: As budget day looms don't let Cannan turn the clock back
- A nuclear tip in the Mournes - Surely Not!
- Nurses ramp up industrial action - workers mobilizing across the Celtic countries
- Scotland: ATC dispute could hit seven Highland airports
- Ireland: Transfer from peat to biomass concerns
- Manx postal dispute Mr Micawbers's wife turns up!
- Ireland: High Court decision may hinge on dolphins fate
- EU to apply broad microplastics ban from next year
- ▼ Jan (12)
- Commercial activity makes the Irish Sea a dangerous playground for nuclear submarines
- Nuclear sub and Irish Sea ferry near miss highlights dangers
- Is the office for nuclear regulation up to the job?
- The climate its news
- Brian Stowell a dedicated nationalist and proponent of the Manx language dies
- Isle of Man: It's the topic in boardroom and bar room
- Wylfa plan put on back burner
- 'High Noon for Hitachi' as new nukes maybe paused or scrapped
- Ireland: Upland heath burning extension criticised by greens
- Ireland to open new Irish consulate in Cardiff
- Ireland: Crisis over pay as nurse strike looms
- Trawlermen urged to recover plastic from seas
- ▼ Nov (16)
- ▼2018 (112)
- ▼ Dec (9)
- Super Trawlers will 'slip the net' of large trawler ban
- Irish UN troops prepare for 40th Xmas in Lebanon
- Ireland's 'Sea of Azov'
- Wales: 'Traveller Community' turn stereotype on its head
- NATO: Hunting Subs killing Whales?
- Species Extinction On 'The Outlaw Ocean' - It's Happening Already!
- Communiqué, adopted by the participants, issued by The First International Conference against US/NATO Military Bases held on November 16-18, at Liberty Hall in Dublin, Ireland
- Mary Robinson and 'Climate Justice'
- ▼ Nov (19)
- The legacy of 'Coiste an Asgard'
- Tynwald 'talk' will not assist needy
- Death of nuclear safety 'outsider'
- Macron harangued by students over police violence
- Scotland: Protesters target death factory
- John Dunster and 'The Experiment'
- A nuclear cocktail and the bombs of Beaufort Dyke
- French finally accept Fañch can register his name
- 'Beach Cruddies' or 'What's In The Water'
- Sellafield the nuclear cesspit- however 'Nuclear Woman' seems serenely confident!
- League protest ahead of Scottish Parliament vote on kelp dredging
- UNIFIL: Irish force expands to meet shortfall of others
- Isle of Man Chief Minister responds to environment query
- PANA: the Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance-Conference November 16th-18th, 2018
- Irish 'Serpico' to retire
- Could self-standing Environmental Department secure biosphere status long term?
- Doing business with those that wreck the planet
- Chronicles: Get the facts and also some background to the Celtic League campaign
- What next for the Chronicles?
- ▼ Oct (12)
- Draig Werdd - the Welsh Society in Ireland - UCD lecture 13/11/18 Darlith UCD
- Ireland maintains 40 year long commitment to UNIFIL
- McRae death was it suicide or a extra-judicial killing?
- Successful Celtic League Annual General Meeting 2018 held in Alba
- IPCC issues stark warning on climate change
- Alf plans a 'giveaway' budget!
- Food & fuel poverty - Minister Thomas responds for the CMs office
- They threatened their children, gassed their pets and stole their country!
- Disgusting 'kick in the teeth' for displaced Islanders
- Opposition knocks glitter of Gold Mine plan
- International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP)
- Breizh: Naoned/Nantes demo calls for reunification
- ▼ Sep (12)
- Protests over disappeared during Basque conflict
- Garda - ICCL call for reform
- Irish UNIFIL Chief awarded DSM and praised by UN for dedication to peacekeeping
- Irish Peacekeepers return to Syrian side of Golan Heights
- Irish Sea - Pristine or polluted?
- AI’TA! and 44=Breizh act over bilingual signage
- Dublin City centre blocked by protests over eviction tactics
- 'Empathise' says Garda Boss - Five days later his force throw homeless on the street
- Masked Police assist eviction of homeless
- Greedy race to exploit Arctic poses additional risk to wildlife
- Revealed: Chagos islanders feared for their children as dogs were gassed
- UK before ICJ over Islanders Expulsion
- ▼ Aug (2)
- ▼ Jul (1)
- ▼ Jun (9)
- Soldier to face trial over 1988 McAnespie Killing
- Facebook military campaign targets young people
- Basque Country - Saudi arms shipments blocked say activists
- Celtic countries 'playgrounds' for the military
- ‘Operation Tân’ a dark chapter in Welsh Police history
- Basque prisoners face uncertain fate if extradited
- Date set for trial over McCann murder
- Long term partnership between South Australia and Brittany planned
- ¡Adios, Mariano Rajoy!
- ▼ May (17)
- Giant 'NO' abortion sign in heart of 'Yeats Country' sparks protest
- Brave New Dawn For Post Brexit Nuke Safety - Not Quite!
- New Sellafield prosecution something of an enigma
- New fast craft sea link for the Celtic countries
- Council of Europe: Despite its imperfections the alternative is too ghastly to contemplate
- Exposing the lie of 'legacy' investigations
- 'Fight the Pipe': Irish water project kicks up a storm!
- Ireland's UNIFIL Role The Epitome Of Military Decency
- Macron: Smile But 'Carry A Big Stick' Domestically
- Macron - He's Just The 'Old Style French Colonialism With Designer Shoes'
- Cymru - Prison Deaths Concerns
- Macron wants to 'make waves' on the nuclear scene
- West of Scotland - NATO 'Playground'
- Soldier to stand trial over Benburb killing forty years ago
- ‘Cultural’ v ‘Political’ Nationalism It's a Complex Issue
- Poll shows low support for Severn Bridge name change to the ‘Prince of Wales Bridge' and petition against continues to grow
- Overlooked Episode: The Hunt For The Missing Celt And The Spy Who Loved Us!
- ▼ Apr (2)
- ▼ Mar (10)
- Tuskar Rock Crash Archive Footage
- Tuskar Air Tragedy 50th. Commemoration
- Minister lays wreath to remember sacrifice of Irish UN peacekeepers
- Is it time Irish military bases had LQA's?
- The Burial Mounds of Peel Hill - Where Did The Grave Urns Go!
- Irish Sea air tragedy 50th anniversary
- Rightful indignation over Salisbury but what about the UK government gassing at Long Kesh?
- Defiant Islanders Reject Obsolete Ferry
- Nae Pasaran: The forgotten story of Scottish workers solidarity for oppressed Chile
- Marine waste may be cause of unprecedented level of Cetacean strandings
- ▼ Feb (18)
- 'Cease Peddling Falsehoods of British Greatness'
- Something nasty in the water
- Fight for Ireland’s Neutrality and to Oppose EU Empire
- Niemba ambush of Irish UN peacekeepers remembered
- Tory Islanders Protest at Dáil on safe ferry issue
- Ireland bids for UNESCO status for iconic sites
- Anniversary of worst Irish Sea airliner crash next month
- Coloniser Cornwallis statue knocked of its pedestal in Canada
- New Mannin Branch Celtic League Acting Secretary slams Chamber
- RAF Valley: be 'polite' don't speak Welsh prompts anger
- Ireland: Island Fisheries Bill stresses value of traditional fisheries to small communities
- Argentinian Irish Diaspora Story
- 'Hedd Wyn' film
- The General Strike: 100 years on Manx workers still face struggle
- Book Review: 'The Year of Liberty' Thomas Pakenham
- Glen Truan: League submit further evidence opposing development
- Marchers defy weather in womens protest
- ▼ Jan (1)
- ▼ Dec (9)
- ▼2017 (210)
- ▼ Dec (20)
- National movement reflects on loss of great Manxman
- Dhone commemoration an essential part of the nationalist calendar
- Pan Celticist and Great Manxwoman
- Separation Versus Domination
- Ireland to step up overseas aid budget
- Police Scotland probe attacks on wildlife
- Anger as Gaelic teacher denied visa
- Ireland - Air Corps updates
- Pro-independence parties winning a majority in the Catalan parliament
- Life less predictable as Arctic waters warm
- Ireland's Taoiseach lays wreath on visit to peacekeepers
- Fishing for litter
- Skelligs being turned into 'Disneyesque Theme Park' say An Taisce
- Carn 169 - Editorial about Catalunya
- Migrant fisherman abuse continues report finds
- Enormous threat posed by overfishing
- Welsh reporter who exposed 1930's famine honoured
- Hope for world treaty on global waste
- Chagos FCO respond but does it go far enough?
- Jadotville veterans receive medal
- ▼ Nov (19)
- Misneach stands with Cork Street Names Campaign
- Inquest into submarine trawler tragedy scheduled
- Policy wise UK Labour finally catch up with Manx Nationalists
- Breizh opposition to Nantes airport continues
- Venue for 2019 National Eisteddfod announced
- 'I cannot get a fair trial' in UK alleged
- Former UN official returns honour in protest
- 'I'm sorry' - not half as much as we are!
- The Isle of Bile - IOM reduced to a 'brothel' for the super rich
- 'Paradise Lost': Appleby say we haven't done anything wrong - meanwhile Manx Radio interview Stanley Unwin!
- The Paradise Papers: No one has done anything wrong and I'm off to see the psychiatrist
- Plaid Cymru condemns the jailing of Catalan politicians
- 'Gambling Firms are Socially Responsible'
- Disturbing safety concerns raised over rescue 116 crash
- 'Whistleblowers' - these days they can be 'criminals'!
- An expensive absurdity in a time of deprivation
- Catalonia: Mec Vannin call on the OCSE to send observers
- Springfields nuclear site
- Heroic commander of Jadotville remembered
- ▼ Oct (30)
- Celtic League Supports Catalunya
- GS Urges Minister to Stop Army Cadet Unit in Cardiff School
- Spanish PM Reacts Badly to Belgian PM’s Comment on Catalunya
- The danger on our doorstep
- Basque prisoners released after almost two decades
- Tireless researcher who exposed mass grave of Tuam home babies to receive human rights award
- Mannin: Permits - Hospitality - Claw Back!
- Scotland: Smacking to be banned
- Dublin rally in support of Catalan political prisoners on 22nd October at GPO
- Observations from Catalunya
- Nuclear safety - at least we stopped them publishing a timetable of waste shipments
- Windscale dark anniversary
- Isle of Man donate urgent aid as crisis deepens for Rohingya people
- Garda adopt bully boy tactics at Shannon peace demo
- Long battle ends as detained vessel to be sold to pay crew
- ‘Shocked and dismayed’ - General Secretary Writes to Spanish Ambassador
- War games go on and there are 'tinfish' about
- Spanish troops in armed occupation of Catalonia
- The NATO party goes on
- BAE they don't like people or gulls but sponsor 'science'
- Catalonia: Vast crowds call for 'occupation forces' to go
- Naval exercises a real threat to marine life
- 'The Hunt For Red October'
- NATO war games in Irish Sea
- Big march in Dublin calls for abortion law reform
- Mec Vannin in show of support for Catalonia
- Catalonia: UN calls for independent investigation of acts of violence
- Celtic League says ballots not bullets should resolve disputes
- Plaid Cymru MP condemns “reprehensible” Spanish state actions in Catalonia and "spinelessness" of European leaders
- Catalonia: Franco’s Legacy Remains Alive and Well!
- ▼ Sep (14)
- Irish Branch Secretary of the Celtic League addresses Pro Catalan Demonstration in Dublin
- Release of Irishman held by Egypt imminent
- While people suffer there's plenty of money for 'The Ministry of Spin'
- Nama scandal rumbles on Mann still in the mix
- Scotland: Lairds could be forced to sell off land
- Leanne Wood Leader of Plaid Cymru makes clear statement condemning Spanish repression in Catalonia
- Spanish attempts to prevent the Catalan people's right to a free and democratic vote on independence condemned
- Scope to reevaluate ties says academic
- Uk in appeal to Trump over Belfast planemaker
- Guardian report on Breton name row
- United Nations set to slam British rights record
- Outrageous Behaviour by Spanish Authorities
- Tension grows ahead of Catalan referendum
- Scotland - Loch Fleet Tyrants and Tragedy
- ▼ Aug (18)
- Sound management of toxic wastes - It's a human right
- CAT concluding observations on Ireland
- Celtic League AGM Action Plan Issued
- The fish find it really shocking
- Newsnight: Welsh language coverage prompts petition
- Thieves the UK were and they still are!
- RAF beat the retreat for the Eisteddfod
- Belfast: Taoiseach in show of solidarity at Belfast pride event
- 'Tourists Go Home' - Radical youth bodies say mass tourism is exploitative
- Cruise liners-they're a filthy business
- Calls for Gaelic language to be awarded Unesco status
- Manx Agriculture Minister responds on Celtic League fishery concerns
- Our seas a vital resource
- AGM delegates visit to Cregneash
- Solidarity with Irish Language Act campaigners
- Breizh: AGM welcomes mining pause but resolution calls for complete cessation
- Nuclear protesters imprisonment condemned
- Wales: Controversial Project Put On Hold
- ▼ Jul (25)
- Mean-spirited colonial action by UK against islanders condemned
- Celtic League Annual General Meeting 2017
- Unease about change of role for Irish Navy in Med
- Homes Plan: 'A Dagger' aimed at the last strongholds of the Welsh language
- Celtic League Patagonia
- Ireland: Call for Court curb on social media
- Breizh - parents in Court over childs name!
- Abortion research seeks answers on impact of restrictions
- New search for coastguard helicopter crew
- 'Never Bought Battered Or Beguiled' say community which fought an oil giant
- Enemy aircraft 'overheard'!
- Shell pull out of Mayo
- Time of the Whales
- Alba: Misneachd protest as Gaelic 'airbrushed' from history
- BBC expose cadet forces issue we focused on two years ago
- Seafarer abuse continues
- 'Shy' mining multi-national targeted by League
- Relatives still seek answers over mystery Irish Sea air crash
- Western Sahara: International shipping industry warned over theft of resources
- Migrant rescue operation in full swing
- Late SNP leader had Manx education link
- Shipping firm embarrassed into ending Sahara phosphate trade
- Truths no matter how unpalatable need to be faced
- As BAE sponsor 'Fun Day' it's no 'Fun' in Yemen
- United Kingdom 'In The Dock' Over Chagos Islands
- ▼ Jun (24)
- No' Fun Day' for Yemeni victims of British supplied warplanes
- Richard Murphy on Scottish independence
- SNP plans to thwart NI Unionists over abortion veto
- Claim rename of Department downgrades Gaeltacht
- 'Europe's Atlantic Fringe'
- 'Bar Room Review' - The Horse of Pride
- Airliner crash: Questions unanswered after almost fifty years
- The UK election and a hat full of delusions
- Legendary Tara a National Park?
- A police 'bug' with a difference
- Hate crime on Galway mosque should be condemned
- 'Cuts have consequences' - was it 'scaremongering'?
- The Chubut - A World Away
- Offshore tax scandal now touches 'The Room At The Top'
- Canada - IOM TIEA without records its just worthless paper!
- New measures announced to protect birds of prey
- League Environmental Officer presses Variscan on mining processes
- Cymru Historic: Dic Penderyn and the Merthyr Rising
- CBC Latest: Companies voted to destroy documents claim
- It costs nothing to speak out about UK politics which cause suffering!
- Breizh: Irish cyclist 'Hits The Road' to highlight reunification issue
- Variscan attacks update
- Wind turbine plan threat to 'Heartland of Gaelic culture'
- Yemen: While Manx Government send aid the UK sends bombs
- ▼ May (7)
- Atlantic 'health check' finds increased levels of CFC's
- Minister stresses 'interoperability' with peacekeeping partners
- Naval Service vessel commences third year of rescue work
- 'As few as three armed Garda' at Dublin airport claim
- NAMA deal linked to Manx offshore account again in headlines
- RSPB in battle to ensure 'environmental equilibrium'
- Lá Dearg Irish Language Protest In Belfast
- ▼ Apr (16)
- Media freedom has never been so threatened
- Joint demonstrations planned for sick Basque political prisoner
- Breizh: action over failure to progress road signs initiative
- French colonialism a recipe for disaster
- The destructive power of the super trawler
- Food parcels for our poor neighbours
- Department of the Gaeltacht Occupied by MISNEACH
- Horses put down after military jets incident
- Isle of Man & money laundering - 'must try harder'!
- Sinn Féin accuse Fianna Fáil of U-turn in moving towards Fine Gael position on water charges
- Demonstration in Dublin against water-charges
- Jadotville: Derry Journal account
- Celtic Media Festival Isle of Man 2017
- The Manx justice system not just broken - dead!
- Language commissioner scathing of state agencies
- Irish police embroiled in scandals
- ▼ Mar (18)
- Welsh police force in move to erase gender barriers
- Ireland: funereal contradictions
- NI cops crack down on wildlife crime
- Mystery radiation has 'boffins' guessing
- Partnership formed between Orkney and Norway to develop marine renewable energy
- Garda Commissioner - Kenny has confidence but does anyone else?
- Arms research exhibition protest
- Tributes paid at the passing of Martin McGuinness Sinn Féin Leader and former Deputy First Minister
- Search and Rescue a vital but dangerous task
- Manx Government donation to disaster emergency Yemen appeal
- Response details cadet force abuse level in Scotland
- Time to start talking about Welsh independence
- Members of Irish Branch Celtic League attend Draig Werdd annual dinner
- Conradh na Gaeilge win High Court challenge
- New Scottish magazine launch
- Traveller community given ethnic minority status
- Motorway threatens iconic bird breeding programme
- Saudi intelligence links to group opposing Scottish independence
- ▼ Feb (7)
- New TV channel for the BBC in Scotland
- Finucane justice campaign will go on
- Ireland: Conference considers 'alarming decline' in wild salmon stocks
- 60th anniversary of young Cypriot freedom fighter
- Uk obfuscate-while Saudis commit war crimes in Yemen
- Oil Spill Latest - IMO needs to probe vessels collision
- Mec Vannin acknowledge McGuiness role in peace process
- ▼ Jan (12)
- Articles Sought for Publication in Carn
- UK recruits child soldiers to train and send to war
- Broadcaster gets 'kick in the pants' for mis-reporting
- Mannin: Sophia Morrison Centenary - 'Went The Day Well'
- Luzel had the Chamber of 'to a tee' even though he dies 120 years ago in Brttany!
- Welsh Language Commissioner's Report
- An Unlikely Sniper!
- Scotland: Nuclear Waste Concerns
- Neighbourhood Policing - Scottish Style
- Apollo House - Conradh Ceilteach
- Released Papers Reveal UDR 'Unease'
- The Police Report - Revisited
- ▼ Dec (20)
- ▼2016 (407)
- ▼ Dec (30)
- 'Hatred of Irish' prompted language cut Sinn Fein asserts
- Irish peacekeepers mark festive period on peacekeeping duties
- Sleazy Lagarde makes a joke of French justice
- So is the UK recruiting child soldiers
- Steve Biko and Nelson Mandela are people worth remembering
- Cadets ambiguity in NICCY Response - clarification sought
- N Ireland Childrens Commisioner responds on Cadet issue
- Super trawlers: are they concentrating off Donegal
- Sophia Morrison: a celebration of her life begins
- Ireland: Rent reform hits the buffers!
- Super trawler off Donegal a mystery no AIS for two days
- The're still at it - we track super trawler near MPA
- 'Atlantic' documentary brought the global assault on fisheries into Ireland's sitting rooms
- Extremely positive response from Scottish child commissioner over cadet forces abuse issue
- CPT asked to look at Manx death in custody
- Cricket spin off from Irish Humanitarian Aid
- The British Army and its 'Paper Soldiers'
- North Dakota Access Pipeline - Victory for Native American community
- National Library of Wales - Difficulties
- Scotland: Gaelic learners association to dissolve
- Shall we just take Boot's word that all is well
- Killers for the British State
- Children's commisioners pressed on cadet abuse issue
- Hunger and fear for Yemeni children as Saudi murder continues
- Castro: Critics drowned out by a genuine outpouring of global grief
- Cymru: Tesco in spat over bi-lingual signage
- Scotland to act on minimum age of criminal responsibilty
- More migrants rescued by Irish naval vessel
- When Ebola struck west Africa Castro sent 'an army of white coats'
- Stop exploitation on Manx registered ships call
- ▼ Nov (33)
- Forceswatch step up campaign with pressure on parliament
- Mandela: anniversary of death of iconic figure - a beacon of our age
- Ross Sea Agreement - A Good News Story!
- Dublin visit highlights plight of the Yazidi community
- Housing a basic need - can we leave the private sector to its own devices?
- Will FA child abuse be covered up like the Military Cadet force scandal was?
- President Higgins signs Castro Book of Condolences
- Another death at Maghaberry just days after CPT respond to our urgent action request
- Third generation nuclear if its not 'common knowledge'; it should be!
- Global support grows for Native American fight against oil industry
- Scottish nuclear plant shutdown by storm
- United Kingdom government slammed over Chagos decision
- Brutal repression of Native Americans
- 'Let Greenpeace Dock' petition was successful!
- Fishermen have lucky escape after netting chemical munition in Beaufort Dyke
- Sputnik In Edinburgh and Michael Fallon's Hysteria
- Setback for Islanders campaign to return home
- British Army Murder Gangs in The Spotlight
- Scotland: Food 'A Right In Law' Proposal
- The Irishman who saved Barcelona FC from Franco
- French navy welcome but Greenpeace given the cold shoulder
- Migrant fisherman death 'Issues to be addressed' say ITWF
- Human rights worry as former Chinese security minister becomes INTERPOL head
- Back from the brink
- MOD: Green credentials hypocrisy
- Exploited seafarers face poor pay and arduous conditions
- Mitchell warns UK on Brexit border implications
- Our Ocean: Protecting the seas and marine resources globally
- Prison health concerns - as the CPT to inspect
- Ships of shame
- SNP MP slams UK Labour Party members for opposing motion to block Saudi arma
- Scotland: Project to create visitor centre at Iron Age site
- ▼ Oct (17)
- Isle of Man recognised as a 'special place for people and nature'
- More Irish troops for UNIFIL Lebanon Force
- Its a hard living for fishermen without the under sea menace
- Bugaled Breizh - Inquest on January 2017 in Britain
- Time Governments Tackled This Submarine Menace
- United Kingdom Must Be Pressed To Allow Chagos Islanders To Go Home
- What Is France Hiding in The Files On The Malagasy Rebellion?
- S4C Screen 1916 Programme October 2nd - Viewing Options
- Dublin: Celtic Sociollinguistics Symposium
- Submariners On The Rampage - And They Man Nuclear Deterrent!
- Stranded Scottish Cadet Seamen Return Home
- Nuclear Regulator Responds On Sellafield Query
- 'I Don't See The Sky' - Emotional Letter From Imprisoned Irishman
- Irish Border Area To Get Afghan War Treatment
- Irish Government Remember Congo Peacekeeping Heroes
- Sperrin Mountains: Gold Mining Threat To Environment
- Alex Salmond To Give Oration At Glasnevin Cemetery Ivy Day Commemoration 2016
- ▼ Sep (6)
- Breton Magazine Highlights Two Issues That The Celtic League Has Long Campaigned On
- 'Stop Arming Saudi'
- Alba: Boost For Gaelic Education
- Tributes Paid To Breton Language Campaigner
- 'Unwelcome Landlord' - A Brief History Of Manx Nationalism And Opposition To British Rule
- Food And Fashion - The Worlds Oceans Are Being Decimated
- ▼ Aug (10)
- Canada Requests Return Of Indigenous Peoples Remains From Scottish Museum
- Celtic League At Frongoch 1916 Commemoration
- An Unusual Visitor
- Fifty Years Later One Of The Last Vile Acts Of Colonialism Is Still Not Righted
- Australia: Africa: Latin America - Scottish Estate Owning Multi National Exploit The Globe
- NAMA And The Manx Money The Plot Thickens
- 'Nauseating and Utterly Corrupt' Police Officers
- Srebrenica and Jadotville Two Similar Scenarios Two Very Different Outcomes
- 'Empires Warriors'
- As Volunteers Clean Beaches Multi-Nationals Lose Thousands Of Containers In Our Seas
- ▼ Jun (7)
- Scotland And The European Referendum - An Alternative View
- Irish And Welsh Branch League Presence At Frongoch March
- Speaking Out - 'You Are Going To Hear A Lot More About It So Get Used To It'!
- Scottish 'PLOD' in GCHQ Link
- MOD: No LQA Undertaken At Chemical Weapons Sites In Wales And Cornwall
- European Union Is Not A Workers Paradise
- How Long Can We Afford This 'Madness'
- ▼ May (22)
- Celtic Countries: Our Stolen Treasures
- 'Wanted For Calf Rustling' A Very Significant Anniversary
- 'O' Halloo Nyn Ghooie' But Don't Let Go Of Nanny's Hand
- A 'Fishing Boat' The Size Of The Sydney Opera House
- League Slam EU Over Fisheries Exploitation
- Bugaled Breizh: French Court Ruling An 'Insult'!
- Our Great Marine ECO Asset Don't Let Corrupt EU Interests Ruin It Forever
- SNP Call For Support For The Cornish Language
- United States - Ireland 100: Celebrating a Century of Irish Art & Culture
- League Support Marine Zoning Initiative
- Maib Salvages Scottish Trawler Louisa
- Fron-Goch Centanary 10 - 11 June 2016
- 'Caught in The Headlines'
- That Cheap Supermarket Tuna Comes At A Price For Some
- Jet-Ski Attack On Dolphins Investigated
- Monster Trawlers: A Year After a Historic Judgement The Destruction Still Goes On
- Factory Trawlers The assault Goes On
- 'Atlantic' - New Documentary Charts Destruction Wrought By Super Trawlers
- Rockall Survey May Find Something Nasty in The Water
- Does A Dangerous Legacy Haunt North Wales
- Pearse - 'Passionate love of The Natural World'
- Lyn Ebenezer's talk on Frongoch and the Birth of the IRA
- ▼ Apr (36)
- “Appalling and backward looking decision” GS Criticises Cornish Language Funding Cut
- The Magic Of The Language
- Brexit Nonesense - Time To Stop Worrying And Get a Good Nights Sleep
- The House Of Keys AKA Westminster Parish Council
- Only In Mann Is The Government So Spineless It Denies The Peoples Birthright
- You Ask Yourself What Halfwit In Government Dreamt This Up
- Funding for Cornish Cut with Immediate Effect
- Welsh and Proud
- Commemorations of 1916 Rising Being Held on 24 April 2016
- A Tradition Of Non-Violent Resistance That Has Continued For Eighty Years
- Census Row Rumbles On
- Pre-Hearing Of Bugaled Breizh Inquest Hears Call For Broader Enquiry
- The Interceltic Festival of Lorient Will Celebrate Centenary of Ireland's 1916 Rising
- The Hidden Dangers Of The Dyke
- An Conradh Ceilteach: 'Frongoch Camp 1916 and the Birth of The IRA'
- Mann In Sights As Canada Sets Out Major Tax Evasion Crackdown
- Canada May Launch Isle of Man Tax Probe
- Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) National 1916 Commemoration On April 24, 2016
- Good News Humbug! Zero Hours Contracts Tax Return Next And The Rates Are On The Way
- The Unresolved Tragedy At Tuskar Rock
- Are The Celtic Countries A 'Soft Touch' For NATO?
- Secrets Of 'House Of Horrors' May Remain Hidden
- Irish Branch Highlight NATO Exercise Concerns
- Sea Monsters Plunder The Oceans From Scotland To The South Atlantic
- Just How Much Manx Business Is There With The Panama Firm
- Who Killed Willie MacRae?
- Jeremy And The New Colonialism!
- Petition: Support For Breton And Gallo
- Time For The Royal Navy And NATO To Get Real Over Fishing Vessel Safety
- Waste Shipment Plans Condemned
- Anniversary Of Worst Irish Sea Air Crash!
- Cymru: New Book About Controversial Dam
- Dublin Monument To Victims And Perpetrators Causes Anger
- Frongoch Camp & The Birth of The IRA
- Scotland and the Easter Rising in Dublin 1916
- Necrology Wall at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin Opposed
- ▼ Mar (50)
- Celtic League Interceltic 1916 Commemoration and Ceremony
- Scotland 1916 -Talk By Historian Stephen Coyle
- AN CONRADH CEILTEACH - Centenary Programme
- Union Boss Slams KPMG Tax Deal Saying Tax Avoidance Has Victims
- It's Not The Red Squirrel It's The Chamber That Should Face Extinction
- Outside Left: Spin With Allan In 'The Age Of Stupid'
- Dialect Death Or A New Dawn?
- That Ardrossan Route Is Starting To Look Attractive Again
- A Politician With A Conscience? The Chief Minister Will Have To Hope It's Not Infectious
- Howard's Way
- 'An Island Where People Can Express Their Views'
- O Land Of Our Birth!
- We May Not Like Everything The Media Says But We'd Better Protect Their Right To Say It...Or!
- Fitness To Work Assessments Lead To Suicides Claim
- The Isle Of Man Where You Can!
- A Man Wearing A Wig And A Pantomime outfit Is Going To Talk About Conduct!
- Tynwald Gives Adam 'A Prezzy' - You Guessed It You Pay!
- Tory Boy Trumps Teare On Low Incomes Tax Threshold!
- The Steady Drip Drip Drip Of Changes And Charges
- Means Testing To Be Introduced For Public Sector Sheltered Housing
- "A Nation Of Sheep Will Beget A Government Of Wolves"
- Calling Time On The Tax Cheats!
- Sea No Evil - But It's There!
- Island GP Support For Assessments Will Strengthen 'Working Relationship' One Assumes
- Minorities Are Always Moaning!
- The Commonwealth - Nothing To Celebrate
- Fuel Poverty: Island Paradise For Some Purgatary For Others!
- Fears Manx Radio Would Be A 'Govt Mouth Piece' Were Voiced Three Years Ago - By Its Chairman!
- Allan's 'Great Leap Forward' Hits a Snag
- 'As Interesting As A Decomposed Section Of The Dead Sea Scrolls'
- Pensioner Disables Nuclear Weapons Convoy - Single Handed!
- Strengthen Our Ties As A Centre For Tax Dodging!
- Fitness Assessments: Like Some Grotesque Piece-Work Scheme For Dependability
- Rousing Political Message Or Empty Rhetoric?
- Tax Fraud - Benefit Fraud You Need A Sense Of Perspective
- KPMG Canada Update
- Isle of Man - You Could Not Make This Lunacy Up!
- Ever Noticed The Size Of A Scotland On The BBC Weather Map?
- 'A Foreign Admiral With A Broken Arm And A missing Leg'
- Average Earnings Up! Some Peoples Earnings Are Already In The Clouds.
- Conradh Na Gaeilge Hold Ard-Fheis
- Scotland: Sturgeon Storms Ahead
- Bell Goes 'Cap In Hand' To London But Iceland Gave EU Two Fingers!
- Say No To 'The Oxygen Of intolerance' That Stifles Journalistic Freedom
- Dirty Banking Back On The Agenda As NAMA Deal Resurfaces
- The Judiciary: In A Time Of Austerity Why No Cuts For Them?
- Political Faux Outrage Over Parrot Graphic
- Irish Election Sinn Fein Performs Well
- EU: Best Of Both Worlds Mec Vannin Always Had Doubts!
- Letting The Chamber Use Comin As A Doormat Backfires As A Monster Emerges!
- ▼ Feb (97)
- Talk Will Focus On Scottish Role In Easter Rising
- Dublin AGM Will Mark Centenary Of Easter Rising
- Oh Dear! Even Allan's Mates Picked Holes in His Budget!
- Scotland: Tension Between Govt And Fisherman As Policy Likened To 'The Clearances'
- When Your Country Is Being Violated Economically You Should Fight
- 'The Business Community' Identifying The Problems Never Part Of The Solution
- Exploiting Seafarers And Fish Resources
- If It Quacks Like A Duck It Is A Tax Haven!
- UK: Wildlife Crime Unit Under Threat
- 1916 Irish Rising Commemoration Programme
- The Scoundrels Can Congratulate Themselves On A Job Well Done!
- Budget Speech: He Should Have Got Zac Or A Dummy To Present It!
- A Strange Gaunt Man - Where's The Skoda Ad?
- Allan's Legacy Failure - But We Pay Millions!
- Eddie The Alchemist Only A Scrawny Rabbit In That Top Hat I'll Wager!
- Staff Survey Perhaps The Next 'Dalai Lama' Will Use It!
- Fear On The Highway As 'Targetted Policing' Gets Underway!
- Food And Fuel Poverty Now Homelessness - Whats The Facts Minister Asked
- BBC Alba: Major Series 'Celtic Radicals'
- The IOM RTU At It Again!
- Government: On The Fringe These Committee Seats May Be A Nice Little Earner!
- Lack Of ETV Cover A Disaster In The Making!
- Eddie Teare As Mother Teresa You've Got To Be Joking!
- More Chance Of Life On Mars
- Show Your Support: 'Ditch Dependability' Like This Post!
- Protest Next Week Over Disability Assessments
- Deconstructing The News (1)
- Jon Joughin MHK: 'Definitly Born Again Hard'
- Outside Left: This Weeks Focuses On The Celtic League Military Monitoring Campaign
- TV Licence Bullies Threaten 'The Bailiffs'
- Room For Improvement At Manx Radio? I Don't Mean The Extension!
- Permit Safeguards Never More Necessary
- Abhor The 'Gang Of Four' By All Means But Let's Not Entertain McCarthyism
- Will Computers And Spreadsheets Really Improve Driving?
- Manx NHS Time For A Political Change At The Top?
- Sorry Bill Your Protestations Have A Hollow Ring
- Massive Drop In Electricity Prices In N Ireland
- Plagiarising Bad! Piggy-Backing Good!
- 'What Is A Facebook'?
- 'The Green Room'
- An 'Attempt To Help People' It Just Doesn't Ring True Eddie!
- 'Vote Or Else' Is It Just Around The Corner?
- If Zac Hall Is Bound For The Village Stocks He'll Have Company!
- The Police Are 'Taking A Stand'!
- A Brief History Of Manx Nationalism Part 1
- A Brief History Of Manx Nationalism Part 2
- All Quiet On The Western Front
- 'Tell A Lie Big Enough And Keep Repeating It'
- 'Ireland's Guantanamo Granny'
- Sea Monsters: Still In Business Wrecking Lives And The Environment
- Bell And Moulton 'In The Front Room'
- Disabled People Are Dying For Work - Literally!
- Health Service Staff Consultation - Time For Revamp?
- Manx Radio Makeover And By Jingo It's A Good One!
- New site Aims To Focus On Island Health Issues
- Captain's Are They Less Use Than The Horse Trams?
- Deepcut Inquest: Suicide Assertion Challenged
- Another Day Another Offshore Scandal - Is The FSA Fit For Purpose?
- 'Thanks Heavens' In The Isle Of Man Our Poor Are Not Neglected!
- Bell Claims He Was In The Dark Over Powerplan!
- The Manx: Like Some 'Big Baby' Clinging On To Nannies Hand!
- Afrikaans Language
- Something In The Air?
- The Basking Shark Is Not To Be Feared It's The Sharks Within Our Midst!
- Tynwald No Sacrifice Is Too Much For The Manx Public - It Was Ever So!
- A Haven Or Not A Haven - That Is The Question
- We Need To Talk About Tony
- Mann: Our Country And Our Interests Come First!
- Hotel Trade: Relax Work Permits You Must Be Joking!
- Booming Tourism - Or Welcome To Fantasy Island?
- Ronan's Rambles
- 'Taking Action To Restrict Their Contact With Us' - A Dreadful Orwellian Document!
- Allan Is Rattled He's Got The VAT Bogeyman Out Again!
- Pyongyang Prospect Hill Douglas
- Protect Isle Of Man Workers Jobs Members Urged
- Mis-Selling Scandal 'The Parcel' Is Now In Portcullis House
- Stamps: That's Enough Military Stuff What About A Banking Scandal Set!
- The Queue At Government's Golden Magic Porridge Pot
- League Express Concern At Work Permit Exemptions
- A Progress Agenda Or Ossify - Your Choice!
- By Jingo The War's Still Being Fought!
- Manx Mugs - No Not Souvenirs Us!
- The Colonel Blimps in Our Midst!
- The Wild West But Someone Shot The Sheriff
- President Queried Over Mention in News Article
- Another Financial Scandal - Where Is The FCU?
- Driving Licence Flag War Spreads
- FCPNM Advisory Committee to Visit Kernow
- Marine Eco-System Pollution Threat
- Leanne Wood - Rebel With A Cause
- Manx Government 40 Years On They Are Still Duplicitious
- Champions And Covenants!
- Bong! Freedom Of Information - Freedom To Be Conned!
- Cressy Dodd And Others That Left Their Stamp On History
- Cressy Dodd Collector Who Worked With Sophia Morrison
- 'Good Neighbours' Don't Steal Next Doors Family Silver!
- Energy Prices Tumble - But Not In Mann
- ▼ Jan (99)
- Congo UN Mission Saw First Deaths Of Irish Peacekeepers
- More Turnergate: 'Ceasar' Wields The Dagger On LibVan
- Thatcher Minister Tipped Off Ireland About Spooks - GCHQ Not So Clever After All!
- Cameron Gets Blast Of Fire From The Welsh Dragon!
- Cameron Told To Do One - Shades Of 'The Mouse That Roared'
- Trinity College: US Ambassador Views Manuscript Project
- Jadotville Film Will Highlight Heroic Stance Of Irish UN Peacekeepers
- 'A Place in The Sun' While You Freeze
- UNESCO Move On Irish Sport, Music And Folklore
- The Manx Government's New Friends 'Poachers And Vandals'
- Cameron's Government Aiding War Crimes In Yemen
- Tea With Putin - I'm Glad We Never Went!
- The Holocaust And Our Seedy Offshore Status
- Lesson From 'The Emerald Isle'
- Terminal Commissioned but Community Still Divided
- Breton Move On ECRML Defeated In National Assembly
- Suitcase Banking - What About Historical Enquiries Team?
- Cold-Callers Preying on The Vulnerable - What About Manx Gas The MUA 'Et Al'?
- Jessop puts Bell In The 'Naughty Corner' - It Is A Tax Haven!
- Quangos 'Gravy Train' To Come Under Scrutiny
- Gas Standing Charges - OFT Response
- Trams: Phil's A Better Bet Than Beecroft - He Likes Horses!
- 'We're Not out of The Woods Yet' - He's like A Cracked Record!
- Tax Haven Woes - Feel Your Champagne life Style Threatened!
- KPMG in The Courts - London This Time!
- Treasury Respond on The Monitoring Impact of Benefit Cuts
- If 'Needs Must' It's Working People And The Low Paid Who Bear The Pain!
- Will 'Political DNA Replication' Revolutionise Manx Politics?
- Oppose Detractors of The Celtic Languages
- The 'Wild West' Offshore World
- Yes it Was 'The Wild West' And Some Of The Cowboys That Used It Still Had Guns!
- Time For A Finance Industry 'Oral History Project' Over To You MNH!
- Robin Hood Backwards - Taking From The Poor To Give To The Rich
- That Pot Of Irish Gold At The End Of The Manx Rainbow!
- 'Turnergate' - More Twists Than A Cats Tail
- 'Now You See It Now You Don't'!
- Critics Get Both Barrels - Allan In 'Dockside Bully' Mode!
- 'State Of The Nation'
- Dragons Den?
- Censorship And The Control Freakery At DHA/CPHQ
- Henderson: Challenge From Disqualified Disability Benefit Claimant
- You're A Chancer Fit For Work Until You Finally Drop'
- Feeling Prosperous?
- Yn Pabyr Seyr 'Lite'
- Feeling Prosperous?
- Close Encounters Off Michael - Are The Aliens Back? No Just The MOD!
- Talk On 'Beginnings Of Manx Literature'
- Support For Kurds
- Dodgy Dealing With Iran Before, But We're All Mates Now
- Mec Vannin: So Who Is Out Of Tuch?
- 'The Morning Bell' Is It A turn Off for You?
- Synopsis Of Manx Oration At Hango Hill
- Chamber 'Charm' Not Working
- Meeting Admission Free - It's The Only Thing You'll Ever Get Out Of The Chamber of Commerce!
- Time The FCU Uncovered A Stench That Went Back To 'The City'
- Oil Prices Plummet But Not In Mann
- A Giant Ripe Tomato on The Door Mat Of Government House
- Mec Vannin Argue Against A 'Prejudiced Agenda'
- The Burglars Are Back - Where's Juan?
- Still Quiet On The Fleshwick Front!
- 'Britishness Is Vacuous And Meaningless'
- We Cannot Afford A Rerun Of The Bigotry Of The Past
- Outside Left Reflects On Illiam Dhone Day
- An Assembly That Means Business Doesn't Have Wigs!
- Treasury Member Pressed On Benefit Cuts Impact Follow Up
- Ship Register Meeting
- 'God Save Us' From An Inane Media And The Bishop
- Redemption: Some Kind Words From The Bishop
- 'No Such Thing as A Free Lunch' - For Some There Is!
- COMIN Urged To Support Standing Charges Moratorium And Inquiry
- Culture Vannin Announce Gaeltacht Bursary Sceheme
- Time These Modern Day 'Pirates' Were Sent Packing
- No Interpol & No Extradition For Manx Courts Fugitive
- The Manx Legal System At Its Iniquitious Worst
- Discontent In The 'Farce' Years Ago
- Yn Pabyr Seyr 'Lite'
- We Will Have A Modern Electoral System - For The Election After The Next One!
- An Incestuous Relationship Between, Police, Judiciary And Public Officials – Has Anything Changed
- Manx Music 'Alive And Well'
- Comin Urged To Support Standing Charges Moratorium And Inquiry
- Culture Vannin Announce Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme
- No Interpol and No Extradition For Manx Courts Fugitive
- Discontent In The 'Farce' Years Ago
- We Will Have a Modern Electoral System - For The Election After The Next One!
- An Incestuous Relationship Between Police, Judiciary and Public Officials - Has Anything Changed?
- His Foot On the Pedal But Our Foot Is Out Of Step!
- Politicians And Deemsters The Pays Good...And The Hours Well!
- 'A Reputation For Service' - Who Writes These Lines?
- Remember David and The Huskies!
- His Foot's On The Pedal But Our Foot Is Out Of Step!
- Mec Vannin Rams Home The Message On Unacceptable Energy Pricing
- What Did The FSC/FCU Know About The KPMG Canada Affair? Will We Ever Know?
- Missed Opportunity To Shunt the Constitutional Gravy Train Into The Siding For Good!
- New Years Eve Nuclear Waste Site Flood Alert Virtually Unreported
- Government Policy Of Greed And Growth Criticised By Dhone Speaker
- The Voice of Manx Youth At Hango Hill
- A Damp Day But Spirits Were High As Dhone Commeration Held
- Unpopular Policies Paralysed Island
- ▼ Dec (30)
- ▼2015 (862)
- ▼ Dec (52)
- 'Experience Of A Lifetime' - Kimathi Wouldn't Know Whether To Laugh Or cry
- The Impact of 1916 Reverberated Beyond Ireland And The Celtic Countries
- Don't Forget! Illiam Dhone Commemoration Next Weekend
- Hope Those Graffiti Pics Haven't Been Shredded
- Shameless! Now A Tax 'Give Away' To Complement The £50 Million 'Tax-Away'
- Can We Afford To Indulge In This Pageant Of Nonsense?
- Kenny Visit To Irish Golan heights Troops
- Who Gets To Regulate Themselves In This Day And Age?
- One Hunt The Prey Survives
- Gas Climb Down - A Victory For People Power
- UK response On Super Trawlers And Worker Conditions Disappointing
- Independence: Stop Being Silly That's Patronising!
- Not More Nuclear Nasties?
- Die De Valera Hide In Mona's Wardrobe
- The Arrival Of A New Colonial Puppet Master May Stimulate Nationalist Anger
- League Campaign Vindicated: Super Trawlers Inspected and Extremely Positive Proposal From DPFtA Over Onboard Observers
- Governor Let The Crown Pay For His 'Digs'
- Colonialists Just Ordinary People Who 'Eat, Sleep and Die Like Anybody Else'
- New Governor: At Least He Has The Kit For Dealing With The Natives!
- How We Treat The Weakest Is The Finest Test Of A Nation
- Two Presidents
- Fish Quotas Deal Threat to Irish Sea Eco-System
- The Dublin - Douglas Business Axis Is Alive and Well
- Chief Minister 'Ducking and Diving'
- UN Convention On Discrimination Against Women
- Parida Report Reinforces Need for Resilience in Nuclear Sea Transports
- 'The Cottage Industries' of Trumpton
- Canada: Gordon Gets A Xmas Card!
- Aging Nuclear Transport is Well Past Its Sell By Date
- Congratulations Needed, Not Condemnation for Brave Politicians
- Support for Teachta Dála Rendition Flight Activists
- EDF Queries Minister Responds
- Dhone Ceremony Will Focus on 'This Government of Charlatans'
- 'Obscene' Salaries They Are As Bad As Our 'Fat Cats'
- The Fickle Fortunes of Wind Power
- Ireland: Coveney Powerless at Destruction of Marine Eco-system
- Kennish Crowdfunder Live Today
- Independent Radio Breaks Irish Gas Cuts News
- Politicians Pensions: 'Private and Confidential'!
- CADW And Tackling Abuse
- A Reasoned Case - They'll Just Spit in Your Eye!
- The Arts Council May Be Part Of The Problem!
- Off Maughold Head!
- Want To Save? Money Scrap the Oft!
- Super Trawler Activity: Whale Death Speculation
- Did You Hear the Story About the African Billions?
- British Irish Council - Another Complete Waste of Time?
- Ceremonies Remember Prominent Contributors To Manx Life
- KPMG Four 'High profile Targets'
- DED: It's Our Money Tellus Whose Getting It Call!
- MHK's 'Golden Goodbye' Queries A Reply Soon - Perhaps?
- KPMG: Making The Headlines!
- ▼ Nov (74)
- Plaid Leader Attacks Bigotry and Racism
- 'Crowdfunder' To Raise Kennish Memorial Funds
- Fuel Poverty: Comin 'Sitting on their Thumbs'
- Plans For Kennish Memorial Gravestone In New York
- Sophie Morrisons Contribution to Cultural Life Was Enormous
- Irish Unity Inevitable - Salmond
- Eisteddfod Time in Patagonia
- 'Home Where English Can Sound Like Arabic'
- Fuel Poverty - Make Your Voice Heard!
- One of Your Money Laundry's of Choice - Why?
- Bell: The Yehudi Menuhin of Politics He's Got the Violin Out Again
- 'Monster Boats' - Greenpeace Report on Super Trawlers
- FCPNM Advisory Committee to Visit Cornwall
- 'Dignity in Work' - It's Slave Labour Laurence!
- Initial Response on Super Trawler Concerns
- The Russians Are Coming - Again!
- Government Manx Gas Agreement We Ask For Detail of The Public Consultation
- ONR Respond on Heysham Nuclear Safety
- Minimum Wage Equals Minimum Work
- Irish Government Urged to Ban Foreign Flagged Super Trawlers
- Tia's and Tears
- Giant Trawlers Also Threat to Marine Mammals
- New York Times Urged To Continue Seafarers Rights Campaign
- Irish Government Protect Migrant Fishermen
- Government's Three Point Scam!
- Government Tax Assault Is Financial Genocide For Low And Middle Income Households
- Super Trawlers Ban Them Call!
- Britain's Nuclear Power Stations Are Cracking Up!
- The Sea Wolves Are Still In Business
- 'Hospitality-Gate'!
- CPT Criticisms of Irish Prisons Standards
- Bell's Billions!
- Tryweryn: They Still Don't Get It!
- Minister Pressed On Migrant Crew Trawler Tragedy
- Chief Constable Responds on Winter Deaths
- Monster Trawlers Rape Seas of Ireland And Now A real Villian Turns Up
- Heavy Rain In Cumbria - Wash Day At Sellafield!
- Overseas Aid: It Is Good or Does It Look Good?
- EU Pressed on Exploitation of Migrant Fishermen
- The Health of Our Hospital
- What Are You Doing To Address Fuel Poverty Chief Minister Asked
- A Place Little Interested In The Past Facing An Uncertain Future
- Man: Coroner Responds On Fuel Poverty Deaths Query
- Sea Monster Moves In For The Kill
- These People Sicken Me!
- Trawler Leviathan Has Got To Be Bad News For Fish Stock Sustainability
- Ireland: Fisheries Minister Pressed on Migrant Labour Abuse Allegations
- Sea Monster Heads West
- It Was 'Greed' Says The Deemster True - But a Bit Rich Coming From Him!
- 'Stick the Tail on the Donkey of News'
- Outlaw Ocean: Disturbing Revelations About the Agencies That Hire in the Third World
- More Manx 'Gas' In Tynwald
- Bugaled Breizh Belated Reply from Coroner
- Social responsibility - Bloody Hypocrites!
- The Bombs of Beaufort Dyke
- The Experiment
- Happy Birthday Wings!
- 'Banks' That Like to Say Yes'!
- BBC 'Dodge the Licence' Questions
- Man: Juan He's the 'Forces Champion' But is He The Police Forces Champion?
- Protecting Local Fish Stocks? I Don't Think So!
- 'The Outlaw Ocean' Is It Closer to Home?
- Man: Nominations Sought for Prestigious Award
- 'A Militant Manx Woman'
- League Concerns Over Maghaberry Prison Vindicated
- Council Approves Cornish Language Plan
- Manx Gas: A Couldn't Care Less Manx Government
- Some Mother's Son
- Man: Party Politics? Better to Stick With Self-Interest and Hypocrisy
- No One Likes Us! Whinge TV Licence Bullies
- A Truly Remarkable Woman!
- Protect Your Place Names To Protect Your Heritage
- Man: Government Urged to Follow Scots Example on Return of Artefacts
- Heysham 1: Is it Safe Nuclear Regulator Asked
- ▼ Oct (93)
- The Most Significant Period in Our History - Hang on Something's Missing
- Patagonia: Major Cultural Tour by Welsh Orchestra and Choir
- Ireland: Yet Another Special Court!
- Mann: The Cop Shop Robbers They Never Did Catch Them!
- Sorry! Is Such a Difficult Word?
- OFT Respond on Manx Gas Queries
- Tryweryn Cameron Sidesteps an Apology
- Mann: Detailed Response From Minister on Ship Board Deaths
- China? Really Allan There's 'Too Many Pigs and Not Enough Tits'
- Plaid Cymru Say Trident Cost Not Justifiable
- Scotland: Misguided Munitions MCA Need to Pose Questions
- Huge Frustration, but High Spirits as Bretons Vent Their Frustration
- Notice to News Group Users
- Manx Gas: Our Own Version of 'Cedric the Pig'!
- EDF: All We Can Do Is Await The Inevitable Corruption 'Easy Money' Attracts
- Manx Gas Has Gun at the Head of Public Chief Minister Told
- Gas Hike: Customers Won't Feel More Comfortable They May be Dead!
- Champagne Corks Popping at 'The Chamber' as EDF Gets Green Light
- MHK's 'Golden Goodbye's' What Are They Worth?
- The Other Welsh Settlement in South America
- Why Tryweryn Matters to the Other Celtic Countries
- Mann: SNP Conference Delegation Speak of Strong Relationship
- Tryweryn Remembered as Hundreds Attend Rally
- Notice to Celtic League Yahoo Users
- Formal Minority Status for Cornwall
- NY Times Gets Kerry Support to Improve Lot of Those at Sea
- The Police Report - Compiled 2007/8
- Alba: Major Language Initiative for Police Scotland
- Mann: Government Respond on LT Governor Costs
- Cymru: Destruction of Capel Celyn One of the 'Darkest' Days in Welsh History
- Mann: Speaker's Inane Ramblings to 'CPA Holiday Club'!
- Language Rights Charter: France in the 'Naughty Corner' With Russia!
- Manx Government: Positive Message on Social Housing
- BBC Query Slowly Makes Its Way Through the System!
- Mann: Ned Maddrell Lecture
- Scotland: Setback for Gaelic Centre Plan
- Ireland: Shell Ready Pumps But Protesters Won the Moral Case
- Scotland: Custody Death Officer 'Hates Black People' BBC Allege
- Wales: Leanne Wood Slams 'Tories Heartless Plans'
- Breaking News: Dublin Government Cuts Support for the Irish Language
- MNH: Swift and Refreshingly Explicit reply
- BBC N Ireland Manx Language Programme Wins Award
- Manx Museum Queried About Removed Antiquities
- Kernow: Council Initiative to Promote Language Criticised
- When the UK Were Told Where to Go!
- Fiji Casts Aside Colonial Left-Overs
- Remembering Mona Douglas A Great Manx Woman
- Ireland: Homeless Protest this Evening in Dublin and Other Centres
- Mann: When Lawrence Met Borris
- Manx Reserves in Traffic Chaos Plan!
- Cymru: HSBC Bans Customer in Welsh Sign Row
- Mann: Social Chaos Looms for Fantasy Island!
- Irish President Repeats Call for Homelessness to be Tackled
- More on Carn 162
- Mann: What Level of Full Employment?
- DED Queried Over Ship Register Deaths
- Mann: The Shrinking Reserves!
- Mann: Tynwald Committees What Have They Ever Achieved?
- Mann: DHSC Respond on Police Mental Health Concerns
- Ireland: 'The Depressing Saga of Europe's Battle Groups'
- Manx Gas: Call Time on This Monopolistic Monster!
- ECJ Data Ruling Welcomed
- Mann: DHSC Respond Over Hospital 'Evictions' Query
- Mann: Right Move For Paper to 'Come Out' on Gay Issue
- Ireland: Nato By the Back Door?
- NATO Exercise: Trust Will Monitor Impact on Marine Life
- Why Are You Discriminating BBC Asked
- Mann: The Manx 'Poll Tax' Hasn't Ben Cancelled It's Deferred!
- The Celtic League Our Ongoing Work and Our Records
- Wales: Leanne Wood Slams Tory Anti-Union Legislation
- Mann: Are Mental Health Resources Stretched?
- Admiration for Chief Minister's Decision to 'Come Out'
- Advance Notice 2016 Celtic League AGM
- Carn 162 Summer/Autumn Out Now
- Mann: Heat or Eat MG Don't Care as Long as They Get a ROCEm
- Mann: Police Have to Resource Mental Health Care - Claim
- Ireland: Third Naval Service Vessel Continues Med Rescue Role
- Canada: Tax Allegations - CRA Sleeping with the Enemy?
- Mann: Chief Minister 'Draws a Line' Under Dark Days of Gay Prejudice
- Irish Government Respond to SG Migrant's Appeal
- Mann: More Spin and Lies as Work Permits Dismantled
- The Uniformity and Obedience of the Media
- What Happens When the Govt Trash Public Sector Pensions?
- Joint Warrior: French 'Flunk Out' Before Exercise Starts
- Benefit Package an Important Part of Earnings Profile
- High Commission Pressed on 'Tax Sham'
- All Quiet on the Fleshwick Front: 2
- RAF Getting a Good Deal for Airport Use?
- Ship Register: People Die but we Don't 'Apportion Blame'!
- Dedicated Language Archive Opens in Belfast
- Mann: Gas Hike This is an Emergency Govt Should Act!
- More CBC Revelations on IoM 'Tax Sham'
- NATO: Joint Warrior Exercise GPS Jamming Concerns
- ▼ Sep (109)
- Misneach: Success Over Facebook Campaign
- Mann: 'Apocalypse Now' - Hardly!
- CBC Manx Allegations: OECD Pressed on Value of TIEA's
- Ireland: Political Profligacy and Child Poverty in the North
- Ireland: Tragic Rise in Number of Homeless
- Kernow: Major Cornish Language Event Held
- Mann: Hospital Evictions Plan Queried
- Cameron: 'Pig Gate' It Hasn't Gone Away
- Schools Recruitment ForcesWatch Update
- Mann: Chief Minister Responds on Political Gender Balance
- Mann: Chief Minister Responds on Political Party Registration
- NATO: Exercise Fleet Gathers But No Word of Sub Develoyments
- NAMA: Was There a Manx Whistleblower?
- NAMA: New Wallace Allegations in Oireachtas
- Wales: Call for Separate Welsh News at Six
- Tax Matters Closer to Home!
- Alba: Armed Forces Recruitment Raised With First Minister
- CBC: Report Highlighed Forceful US Approach to Tax Evasion
- Nama: Robinson Labels Stormont Hearing a 'Pantomime'
- Canada: Second Largest union Slams Tax Evasion Revelations
- Mann: Political Gender Equality
- Mann: Political Party Registration is it Rights Compatible?
- Mann: Madcap Scheme at Ayres Attracts Criticism
- Canada - IoM Tax Allegations Swirl On
- Manx Media: Making a Pigs Ear of the News!
- Mann: JSA Savings Modest But Will Impact Harshly
- Pig-gate: Wave Your Union Jacks Now!
- Breizh/Cymru: Links Strengthened
- Major NATO Exercise Due in Two Weeks
- Alba: Salmond Flicks Off RT Interview Critics
- Twittergate: Robinson and Wallace Square Off
- Secretary General Slams Schools Recruitment
- Seafarers: As Citizens Act International Community Urged to Action
- International: New York Times 'Outlaw Ocean' Articles Inspire Class Actions
- Ireland: Kent Reinterment Mixed Feelings Over State Role
- Mann: What Are the MoD Paying DoI Asked
- People Seize Court: Let's Hope This Catches On!
- Mann: More 'Positive growth' But No Feel Good Factor?
- Ireland: Mystery Aerial Visitor What Was It Up To?
- Ireland: Thousands Pay their Respect to Republican Hero
- New Deepcut Inquest Will Last Several Weeks
- Mann: Unemployed an Easy Target
- MoD Emerges Unscathed From Sub Debate
- Facebook Don't Mess With Our Names
- Mann: Perhaps the Governor Could Get Somewhere Smaller?
- Mann: Another Financial Saga
- Ireland: Branch Urge Film Makers to Eschew Revisionism
- Submarine Problem Prompts Renewed Media Interest
- Mann: Treasury Respond to League Query About CBC Allegations
- Tax Sham: Minister Should Invite CBC and Answer Their Questions
- ForcesWatch Highlight Attempt to Militarise Children
- Mann: Chief Ministers Office Respond on Refugee Crisis
- Mann: Isle of Misogyny?
- Mann: CBC Video Report on What CRA Call Tax Sham
- Mann: Crown Parasites!
- Mann: More Voters or Just a 'Good News' Story
- Mann: Government Pressed on Canadian Tax Allegations
- Ireland: President Says Social Housing Should be Valued More
- Mann: Corbyn, a Threat or an Opportunity?
- Mannin: Benefit Cuts I Hope The Government Knows What It's Doing
- Wales: Congratulations for Corbyn, But Plaid Say Labour Record in Wales is Dismal
- Are We Stealing other Countries Tax Receipts?
- Ireland: Right to Protest Suppressed
- iScot: A 'Most Impressive Publication'
- 'Cheats' and Political Hypocrisy
- CBC Visits the IOM - But Not for Tynwald Day!
- Scotland: Six Lewis Chessmen Returned
- Mann: Mark Charters and Geoff Draper are Hardly 'The Cambridge Spies'
- Big Beasts of the Deep!
- Scrif-Celti: An Idea Ahead of It's Time?
- Mann: Good News! Let's Celebrate by Kicking the Unemployed
- Welsh Government Respond on Refugee Help Call
- A Warning from History
- MOD Pressed on Donegal Submarine Close Encounters
- More Bilge About How We All Love the English Queen!
- More Reports of Submarine Encounters
- Calling Celtic Authors!
- Mann: Growth Up! But the Chamber of Commerce Won't Shut Up
- Mann: We're 'Robust' and 'Resilient' but Don't Start Feeling Good
- Raining on the Queens Parade!
- Leanne Wood in TV Call to Help Refugees
- Refugee Crisis Should not be Exploited to Extend War
- Cymru is not an Extension of England
- Something Nasty in the Water!
- Subs: The Threat is Back!
- Sub Incident IMO Urged to Act
- RN Submarine Admission: Time for Action to Tackle the Wider Issue
- Manninee Dooie and the Manx Freedom League
- Manx Nama Deal Intrigue and deceit
- Kernow: FCPNM Conference
- EDF: is Skelly Afraid to tell Us More About the 'Give Away'?
- French Government Terrorist Apologies - They Were Only Obeying Orders!
- Treasury Minister Responds on Tax Cheats
- 'Refugees Are Welcome Here'
- League General Secretary in Migrants Appeal to Leaders
- The 'Misrepresentation' of the People Act (As Amended)
- Flying High With the Celtic Languages
- 'Bull...' About Sums up the Brit State and Its Supporters
- Treasury urged to Crack Down on Black Economy and Corporate Tax Cheats
- EDF: Consultation Should be Extended
- Manx Government Urged to Help Migrants
- Manx Government Urged to Help Migrants
- A Real Manx Mystery
- Mass Protest in Paris Inspired by Bretons
- Kincora: Villiers Sticks with HIA but Leaves Room for a Possible Volte-Face
- Records of Genocide Arms Dealings Destroyed
- Politicians as Victims - Balderdash!
- Work Permit Dodgers and Quisling Courts
- March Spells Bad News for Ireland's Coalition Government
- ▼ Aug (36)
- Challenging The Revisionists Who Try To Re-write Irish History
- Militarism: A Small Ray of Sanity
- Welsh and Cornish Should be Taught in English Schools
- Inside Sellafield: But Don't Mention 'The Experiment'
- Scotland: Fuel Poverty Group Meet
- Welsh and Scots to Commemorate 1916 Rising
- Make Sense of This 2
- Make Sense of This if You Can!
- Another Nail in the Coffin for Manx Work Permit System
- People in North More Disposed to Use Irish Language
- Anger of Kenny Gaeltacht Comments
- Forgotten Patriot of 1916 to Get State Funeral
- Communities Department Respond on Affordable Housing
- DED Respond on Ship Register Queries
- 'The Foxes are in the Hen House'
- Gaelic and Scots Critics 'Taken Out'
- Lorient Festival
- Drone Protesters in Court in Wales
- 'The Church of Continuous Economic Growth'
- Tabloid Sneering Update
- Early Year Workers Complete Cornish Language Course
- Wales: Language Initiative Welcomed
- IMO Respond on New York Times 'Outlaw Ocean' Articles
- Ireland: Modern Day 'Slavery' Case Gets the Green Light
- Despite FCPNM Intolerance Still Prevalent Online
- MI5: A Body Locked in its Own Past
- Mann: Electoral Chaos Update
- Heath: Rot at the Heart of the British Establishment? What's New!
- 'Conflict Junkies' Allegation Provokes Response
- League Declines Moscow Conference Invite
- 'This Ridiculous Ruritanian Charade'
- Reserves Update: 'All Quiet on the Fleshwick Front'?
- Mann: Treasury Clarify Earlier Information
- O'Donovan rossa Commemoration
- New York Times Expose Disturbing World of 'The Outlaw Ocean'
- Electoral Chaos - At Best a Banana Republic?
- ▼ Jul (92)
- 'Outlaw Ocean' Murder Video: How Can You Sleep Easy ILO Asked
- IMO Urged to Investigate 'The Outlaw Ocean'
- Tabloid Sneering Is No Threat to Cornish Language
- MI5 - They're All Heart! They Even Run a Charity
- Theresa Keeps MI5 on a Tight Rein - How I Laughed!
- Scotland: Mundell Gets Stormy Welcome at Foodbank
- Nama: Tangled Web Gets More Complex
- Scotland: Social Justice Secretary Hits Out Over Child Poverty
- Adams Death Threat Man Charged
- Salmond: Another Referendum Inevitable
- 'Lord Coke' of One Our Recent 'Distinguished Guests'
- Treasury Minister Responds on Financial Regulations
- League Attack Villiers Over Kincora
- Straightforward Legislation to Stop 'Keyboard Cowards'
- Minister Hastily Convenes Talks as Farmers Anger Continues
- Celtic Congress on this Week in West Cork
- Update: Senator Lorraine Higgins and the 'Keyboard Cowards'
- Threats Over Proposed Bill to Tackle 'Keyboard Cowards'
- Australian Documentary on Kincora Contains Harrowing Testimony
- Farmers protests in Brittany and Normandy Stepped Up
- Kincora: Spooks Keep the Lid on their Sleazy Past
- Comparative Security of the Keyboard Encourages Abuse
- Positive Response from Irish Government on Sub Safety Issue
- ILO Urged to Revise Flawed Worker Legislation
- Dublin Port Seabird Project
- IMO Response on Seafarer Conditions 'Most Diplomatic'
- Cameron More Concerned About Gulls Than People
- NAMA Allegations Third Inquiry Now in Hand
- MoD to Attend Inquest into Loss of Bugaled Breizh
- Was Island Immune from Abuse Scandals?
- Pickles Pressed on Homelessness in Cornwall
- A Social Crisis That's Getting Worse (2)
- Kernow 'Historic Deal'
- A Social Crisis That's Getting Worse
- Dail: More Pressure Over Nama and Manx Mystery Bank Account
- Dail Support for Independent Inquiry into Ballymurphy Massacre
- How Robust are Transactions Procedures Treasury Asked
- Nama Millions Claim and Counter Claim
- The Life and Fall of Victor Bout
- Kernow: Heritage Sites Meeting
- Nama: Even If There's A 'Happy Ending' The Damage To The IoM Has Been Done
- IMO Queried Over Weak Labour Standard for Seafarers
- British Defence SEC Reluctant to Comment on Army Drug Problem
- Crew Conditions IOM Ship Register
- Irish Navy Deploy Second Vessel for Migrant Rescue
- Alleged Killer of Irish UN Peacekeepers Faces Trial
- General Information CL News
- TV Licence Blunder: The 'Stan Laurel' of Manx Politics?
- NCA on the Case of Nama NI Portfolio
- Breton Language Equality Campaign Targets SNCF
- Brittany: Language Protests Continue
- Ireland 'Bounced' Into 2010 Bailout Claim
- Breton Reunification Protest Attracts Support
- Kernow: FOI Update
- Osborne 'High Priest of Austerity' Claim
- Now Quayle Linked to nama Allegations
- HMI Spotlight on Dungavel
- ICTU Declare Solidarity with Greece
- Kelc'h an Dael a UNPO Member
- Another File on CR Gas Found But One Still Closed
- League Pass CR Letter to Foreign Affairs Dept.
- Answers Sought Over the Future of Cornish Language Provision
- More Irish Allegations Sure To Shine Light On Islands Shady Past
- New Look Nationalist Paper for Tynwald Day
- Important and Historic Announcement Regarding the Governance of Cornwall to Come Soon...
- 'A Warning To Us'
- Planning Concerns Endemic
- Dail Allegations: Were Manx Financial Regulators Asleep on Watch?
- French UN Peacekeepers in Child Abuse Scandal
- Information About Breton Language Group Ai'ta!
- Breton Reunification Initiatives
- Lorient: Protest in City Over Disrespects for Breton Language
- Manx Police Reprise Hitchcocks 'The Birds'
- Críona Ní Dhálaigh has been elected as the first Sinn Féin mayor of Dublin City
- Breizh: A Moment of Symbolic Tit for Tat
- Kernow: Westminster Parliamentary Boundary Matters - No to 'Devonwall'
- Bugaled Breizh League Send Correspondence to Coroner
- Royal Navy Finally Respond on Sub/MFV Safety
- Kernow: Monarchy Arrogance Causes Cornish Ire
- Kernow: RIP Terry Bonney
- Kernow: Thomas Flamank Commemoration
- France Respect for Cultural Values - Not Always!
- Manx Government Value Our Culture – It Was Not Always So!
- MEP in Scathing Attack on Language Discrimination
- Police Civilianisation Response From HMIC
- Taoiseach Responds on Kingsmill Files
- Cornwall : Branch Active on Several Fronts
- Kernow: Branch Seek to Clarify Public Anxieties over Planning
- Patagonia: Lost Welsh Anthem Found after 140 Years!
- Scotland : Military Exercise Killed School of Whales
- The Greatest Threat to Cornwall Is Here, Now!
- Bugaled Breizh League Send Correspondence to Coroner
- ▼ Jun (69)
- Land Reform Bill Scotland: Will It Be Radical Enough?
- Unique Ceremony Remembers Fallen Police Officers
- Kernow Branch on the March Against Austerity
- Manx Branch Hold Successful AGM
- Wales : Assembly Petitions Committee Issues Report on Schools Recruitment
- Forceswatch – ‘Scrutinises the Ethics of Armed Forces Recruitment’
- When Will NIO ‘Openness’ Be Mirrored by Other State Bodies?
- Air Safety: ‘Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?’ When It Comes to UKAD No One
- Mann: Another Govt Member Quits in Week of Resignations
- CPT Respond on Scottish Death in Custody
- The Militarization of Boys
- Mann: Antipodean and Other Sagas Continue
- Submariner Released but League Urge CPT to Scrutinise Military Prisons
- Huge Manx Presence at Lorient, but It Wasn’t Always So
- A Huge Loss for Brittany - RIP Jean-Yves Cozan
- Kernow Branch Anger over Development Near Historic Site
- Manx Government Dither Over Same Sex Marriage and Equality Legislation
- Anger as BBBC Say Cardiff Not a Capital City
- Wales: Thousands Don’t Turn Out for Royal Visit
- Disturbing Document Reveals British Army Target Deprived Youngsters
- France: Solid Support for Minority Language Rights
- ‘Fun’ in the Military Reserves? We Don’t Think So!
- MEP Daughter of Seán Ó Riada Calls for Irish Music Initiative
- More Bad News for DHA over Privatisation Strategy
- An Post Celebrate 150th Anniversary of Yeats
- Scottish Pariament Urged to Recognise Rising Leader
- Selling Cornwall for Queen’s Pound!
- Mann: DHA Provide Detailed Clarification to League Queries
- Detained Submariner Reply: Disturbing Report on Military Detention Facilities
- Mann: DHA Face Pitfalls on the Road to Police Privatisation
- More Pressing Danger as Gulls Get a Bad Press
- Beyond the Tamar a Bridge Too Far!
- Rwanda: Securing The Records of This Sorry Episode
- Sea Gulls: Whatever Next on Cameron's Hit List!
- Manx Police: Outsourcing a Step Too Far?
- Protest Over French Film
- Kernow: Anti-Austerity Rally in Truro
- Goddard Inquiry Respond on Military Cadet Abuse Issue
- How Safe Are Our Skies?
- Qualified Welcome for Hollande Comments on ECRML
- League Seek Data on Civilianisation of Police Services
- ‘Your’ Country Needs You: Join the Army and Lay Bricks!
- Has the Manx Government the Stomach for a Fight? We Doubt It.
- Islanders' Petition: Details Now Released
- Opposition Grows to Glasgow Orange March
- Film and Files on the Easter Rising
- MOD and DOT: Aviation Safety Queries
- Mann: Clarification Sought on Police Amendment Proposals
- Statement from the Release Seamus Daly Campaign
- ‘Case for Cornwall ’ Discontent
- Mann: The Police Are Not McDonalds!
- Release Garda Files on Kingsmill Call
- Irish Naval Service in Forefront of Migrant Rescue Effort
- Cyberbullying Claim Under Scrutiny
- Kincora Victim Seeks Judicial Review of Goddard Exclusion
- After BBC Panorama League Say Open Files on Dirty War
- Mann: Chris Thomas MHK and Dunkirk
- When the Media Becomes a Bear Garden People Get Bitten
- Rising Documentary Will Highlight Its Significance for Peoples Globally
- Scotland: The Broadcast Media – Propaganda and Professionalism
- Scots in South America – The Forgotten Diaspora
- Mann: Is ‘Eat or Heat’ the Choice Facing Some?
- Dungavel: Protests over Immigrant ‘Prison’ Continue
- Liverpool Monument to Patagonian Settlers
- Meltdown at Manx Radio?
- MOD: Fallon Pressed on Forces Drug Use
- Scotland: ‘Smeargate’ More Protests and Court Action
- Mann: ‘All Quiet on the Prestwick Front’
- Alba: Fair Isle Tanker Incident Highlights MCA Weakness
- ▼ May (95)
- Kernow: 'Nation or Country' Responses
- Ó Bradaigh Summer School: Focus On Contemporary Struggles
- Dungavel: Home Office Respond on ‘Istanbul Protocol’ Query
- Breton News Report
- Don’t Knock It! Free Speech Is A Great Thing
- Were We So Arrogant that We Thought Child Abuse Did Not Happen Here?
- Army and Security Services Dark Past Back to Haunt Them
- Did 'Smeargate' Go Further? Watch This Interview
- Bercow: Don’t Clap Him Only Me!
- Armed Forces: Not All ‘Fun’ Then!
- Call for a Cornish Liaison Officer
- Mann: Who is Subsidising Who?
- Smeargate: Bruce Gaffe Goes Viral!
- Prime Ministers, Politicians, MPs: They Are All Brazen Liars!
- Mann: British Army - Unresolved Rape Case
- Carmichael: Resignation Calls Grow
- Cornwall: MK Criticise ‘Case For Cornwall’ Policy Direction
- Carmichael: Former Secretary of State for Smears!
- Scotland: The Liar and ‘The Leader’
- Nuclear Subs Pose Deadly Environmental Risk Off Our Shores
- Safer Together, but at What Cost?
- Mann: DED Respond on IMO Associate Status Issue
- Support 'Our' Nationalist Party
- Mann: For Unelected Monarch "Things Couldn’t Be Better!"
- The Reserves COMIN and The Missing Minute?
- Burglaries: Manx Spate Exceeds North Wales Crime Spree
- Maghaberry Prison Post Mystery!
- Mann: Snooping, It’s Just So Well Regulated!
- Margaret Perry: The Forgotten Victim of Mullaghmore
- New MPs Take Oath in Cornish
- Our Opposition to the British Military Presence in Ireland is Unequivocal
- Assault Allegations at Detention Centre Where Sub Safety Whistle-Blower May Be Held
- Brit Armed Forces in Crisis Over 19,000 Leave in Twelve Months
- Exchange Over Recruitment into British Army from Irish Republic
- Celtic League Caution MOD about Treatment of Sub Safety Whistle-Blower
- Ireland: Charles Visit – Para’s Controversies – No They Were Murders Tommy!
- Scottish Children Commissioner Response on Cadet Abuse Issue
- Whistle Blower Exposes Trident Danger
- Lost in Translation
- Celtic League Vindicated – Again!
- Patriot Monuments Abound – but Not in Mann!
- Lt. Governor: His Name or Our Future?
- Military: The Media War!
- Breizh: Lost Trawlermen's Families Fight on with Final Court Action
- Mann: What Happened to IMO ‘Associate Membership’?
- Mann: DHA Seem Confident about Resolution of Burglaries Spate
- Subverting Ireland's Lisbon Treaty Protocols to Allow Supranational EU Law on Same-Sex Marriage Throughout Europe
- Demonstration in London - Saturday 20th June 2015
- Kernow: Grateful Mum Says Thanks!
- Comprehensive Response to Leachate Landfill Query
- ‘Narnia, a Land of Make Believe Where Story Telling Passes for News’
- Mann: British Military Launch Media Offensive
- Mann: English Governor and Army in Nationalist Sights
- Mann: The Threat of Invasion
- Manx Chief Minister: Relations with Scotland on a Sound Footing
- No Answers but French Court Closes Trawler Deaths Case
- Mann: Call to Forge Closer Scottish-Manx Links
- CM Asked If Government Are Promoting Reserve Forces Move
- Ireland Urged to Reprise Its Role in Maritime Safety
- Manx Nationalists Urge Cops to Shake-Off Colonial Image
- Mann: Eviction Notice For ‘Lt. Governor’ and Name Change Long Overdue
- Mann: Fancy Some Peacekeeping with the British Army?
- League Links of SNP’s First Westminster MP
- Iconic Images of Nicola Sturgeon on The Road to Victory
- ‘Armee Magh’
- Cornish Post Election Reaction
- MFV/Sub Issue: IMO Says It Will ‘Encourage Adherence’ to Sea Law
- Mann: What Has Happened to Truth?
- Territorial Sea ‘Workshop’: Sustainable Development or Exploitation
- Changes to Celtic League Website
- Celtic League Congratulates SNP Leader on Election Victory
- CPT Asked to Seek Information of Death in Custody
- DHA Heed Celtic League Call: No Cuts to Emergency Services Says Minister
- Irish Sea Sub/MFV Collision Update
- Mann: Full Response from DED On AGM Concerns
- Legislative Council - The Rotten Borough of Manx Politics
- ‘Grabbing The Headline’ without Even Trying
- Unresolved Burglaries Can Lead to More Sinister Crime
- Cymru: General Secretary Supports Campaigners Stance
- SNP and Plaid Cymru Back MK Call for a PEB
- Kernow Branch: Institutional Racism Report Submitted
- Mann: Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- Mann: Where Will It End?
- Cymru / Kernow News Items
- Guild Stance from Deeply Committed and Distinguished Manxman
- Mann: Landfill Leachate Disposal Query
- Goddard Inquiry Urged to Extend Remit
- Mann: Let’s Get Real!
- Dungavel: Questions from League to UK Border Agency
- Mann: For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Mann: Consternation and Applause at Guild
- Mann: Thanks for Feedback - Keep It Coming!
- Registers: Tighten Regulations Call
- Nuclear Waste Transport Call for Review
- Ireland: Military Pact with UK Condemned
- ▼ Apr (60)
- Ireland: DoD Appear to Condone Abuse of Under Age Recruitment by UK Military
- Kernow: Bizarre Twists and Turns as Election Turns Nasty
- Irish Supreme Court Ruling May Have Wider Referenda Implications
- ‘Gangs And Counter Gangs’ Author Sued Over Troubles Death
- Celtic League News App Launched
- Mann: The ‘Quaystone’ Cops – Police Farce Deepens
- Should Miliband Apologise?
- UN: League Submit Quadrennial Report
- Migrants: League One of The Few NGOs to Lobby to Avert This Tragedy
- Kernow: Children's Celebration Ban Stokes Controversy
- A Craven Police Force
- County, Duchy, Nation or Country? The Case for Cornwall
- Submarine Trawler Issue IMO Urged to Act
- UK Government Respond on Traveller Concerns
- Mann: Minister Skelly Wins ‘Orwell Prize’ for Doublespeak
- Submarine Deaths: Thirty Years on Relatives Still Search for Answers
- Chief Minister Provides Detailed Response on Silt Row
- Kernow: Important Notice Changes to Branch Wesites
- Kernow Branch Press Public Bodies on FCPNM Importance
- UK Theft of Man Territorial Sea Area Condemned
- Trade By All Means But Not At Any Price
- Uneasy Truce in Silt Dispute
- The Russians - Are They a Useful Scapegoat?
- Consultation on Draft Irish Language Bill Welcomed
- Shadowy Deals Under Scrutiny at AGM
- Cymru: Calls to Halt Funding to Gardens in Language Dispute
- Submarine Problem Resurfaces
- Frongoch: Republican Prisoners remembered
- League Fears Confirmed by Latest Sub/MFV Incident
- It's Carry on Down the Quayside
- HMIC Finally Respond on Nuclear Police Queries
- Silt Row: Gawne Gets an Ally - Meanwhile Police Have Heads Stuck Firmly in the Silt
- New French Snooping Laws Come Under Fire
- AGM: Nuclear Waste Issues Under Scrutiny
- AGM: Palpable Anger at British Irish Military Pact
- Solidarity with Fellow Celts But Opposition to Duke's Insidious Influence
- Scottish Referendum Result in Focus at AGM
- Self Determination Call at League Meeting
- League Stance on British Irish Council Re-emphasised
- A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots
- Man: Row Deepens Over Contaminated Silt Dump
- League Assert BBC Discrimination Against Cornish
- Kernow: Concerns About Cuts Impact on Emergency Services
- Social Side of AGM Provides a Valuable Function
- Celtic League Selects Its Team for the Year Ahead
- More Tynwald Arrangements Concerns
- Mann: 'Sceptred Isle' Being Turned into a Giant Cash-Point for Government
- League Support Nationalist Concerns Over Tynwald Day
- League Memoire - a Time for Reflection
- Defence Ministers Responds to Irish Branch Concerns Over Military Pact
- CPT Respond on Nuclear Police but HMIC Still Evasive
- Mann: Concern About Storage of Toxic Silt and Haul Route
- Police Scotland Alerted to Abuse Directed at SNP Leader
- Threats to Politicians Eat Away at the Fabric of Democracy
- Manx Nationalists Protest at New Tynwald Arrangements
- Astonishing Admission About Records as MoD Respond Over Abuse Claims
- Mann: Prompt Response From Minister on Harbour Silt Queries
- Mann: Questions About Onshore Harbour Silt Disposal
- Ireland: More Street Site Secured for Nation
- Anger as Error Sees Manx Anthem Played at US Football Tournament
- ▼ Mar (67)
- Kernow: Branch Hold Successful AGM
- Wales: Assembly Adopt Welsh Language Standards
- Home Office Respond on Cadet Abuse Hush Money
- Irish Sea Airliner Crash - Almost 50 Years on the Mystery Remains
- Renewed Focus on 'Duke of Cornwall'
- FCPNM Impact Assessment Response
- Mann: Treasury Minister Gives 75 Year Olds a Financial Kicking
- Nuclear Cops Again Make Headlines For All The Wrong Reasons
- Stormy Scenes as Activists Attack UKIP Intolerance Towards Welsh Language
- Kernow: Hate Crime Recorded by Police
- Cold War Undersea Menace Returns to Haunt Fishermen
- New Heritage Centre Celebrates Patagonia Links
- Positive ECJ Judgement Could Prove Difficult for Irish Government and DPC
- CL News Options
- The Civil Nuclear Police
- British Snooping Likely to Feature in AGM Reports
- Half Manx Prison Population has Mental Health Isues
- US Government Helsinki Commission Focus on Collusion
- Home Secretary Pressed on Kincora Decision
- New Sellafield Reactor Poses Potential Risk
- Planning Wars Continue in Cornwall
- Kernow: Anger Over Planning Approval
- May Turns Her Back on Child Abuse in Intelligence House of Horrors
- Council of Europe Focus on Outstanding Troubles Inquests
- Irish Branch Support for EU Language Protest
- We Don't Need EU Says Iceland
- Scotland: MoD Dirty Tricks at Smith Commission
- Kernow: Signs of a Truce in Newspaper Dispute
- CPT Asked to Consider Inspections of Nuclear Police
- Kernow: Complaint to Police Over Newspaper Article
- Cornish Anger at Newspaper Insult
- Manx Coverage ITV Granada (News) Respond to League Query
- BBC Ignore St Piran Celebrations - Again!
- Fukushima Anniversary: Anti Wylfa Group Protest New-Build Nuclear Plant
- EU Commissioner Urged to Press UK Over Traveller Discrimination
- Batang Kali Massacre Case Has Implication for Legacy Killings
- Mann: You Don't Know Whether to Laugh or Cry!
- Ireland: Branch Active in Neutrality Campaign
- Thanks - Its Been a Busy Year
- Another Shut-Down at Wylfa Nuclear Plant
- Mann: Burglary Don't Take Our Word Read the HMI Report!
- Manx Registered Companies Under Spotlight in Dail
- Travellers: Pickles Urged Not to Heed Pressure For More Discrimination
- Irish Government Say 'We are Neutral' - But Ink is Scarcely Dry on the Brit-Irish Agreement!
- The Public Love the Idea of Means Testing and Cutting Benefits ... But!
- Russian Planes Caused Danger Disruption and Delay
- Equal Status for Welsh Highlighted in Command Paper
- Financial Support for CLP Welcomed
- The BIC: Founded on a Lie Doing Nothing and Going Nowhere
- Range of Cornish Resolutions Scheduled for Dublin Meeting
- Decolonisation on the Agenda for AGM
- Crime Spree in North Wales Matches Manx Experience
- Nuclear Transport Fire Sparks AGM Resolution
- Two Resolutions for AGM Against British-Irish Military Pact
- Man: Senior Cops Clueless as Island Crime Wave Continues
- RAF Hawk Training in Focus After Near Misses
- UNCRC Acknowledge Reports from League
- Taoiseach Responds on British Army Recruitment Query
- Anger Increases at Unsustainable Development in Cornwall
- National Geographic Article Praises Language Revival
- History Repeats Itself: MoD Try to Expand Butec Range by Stealth
- Welfare Reform Doing Nothing is Not an Option Says Chief Minister
- Celtic League AGM will Be held in Dublin in April
- Alarming Increase in Nuclear Safety Events on Clyde
- UK Military Recruitment in Ireland Opposed
- The Celtic Countries Where They Rate in Press Freedom
- UNCRC Asked to Press UK on Armed Forces Recruitment of Children
- ▼ Feb (64)
- Definitely No Overflight by Russians Say MOD
- Nuclear Fire Ship Report to be Published Soon Say Danish Embassy
- Manx Politics: The Coup That Never Was?
- Iceland's President: Independence Can Never Be Negative
- Charles Hypocrisy Challenged By Kernow Branch
- Kernow: New Framework Powers Used to Seek Minority Impact Assessment from BBC
- Manx Budget: No Plan B No Plan at All!
- Mannin Branch: Facebook and Twitter Sites Launched
- Tesco use of Cornish Language
- CR Gas Positive Response From Irish Government to Our Query
- Positive Change and Social Justice Should Be Our Mantra
- The Two Faces of Cornwall - A Time for Anger and For Questions!
- IMO Urged to Press EU on migrant Rescue Policy
- CL Main Web Pages Back Online - Thanks to All Who Helped
- Russians, Americans, British? Mystery Deepens Over Activity in Cornish Airspace
- Illiam Dhone: A Moving Tribute From an Unusual Source
- CPT Respond on Maghaberry Prison Concerns
- MOD Quizzed On Reports Russians Overflew Cornwall
- German Assurance of Strict Application of IMO Safety Code
- Celtic League Main Web Site Down at Present
- Taxes, Charges Now They Want Your pension!
- Kernow: New framework Powers Used to Seek Minority Impact Assessment
- Russia Urged to Use ICAO to Resolve Military Flights Safety Issues
- Paucity of 'Regional' TV News Coverage for Budget
- Video and Audio Manx Budget Comments
- UK Government Respond on Nuclear Waste Ship Fire
- Manx Budget: They Had Little Now They Have Less
- CPT Respond on Dublin Child Arrests
- Mann: Fiscal Transparency Something of a Black Hole
- Manx Budget: Fiscal Houdini Promises Much But Delivers Little
- CRC Action Called for on Tallaght Child Arrests
- Mann: High Drama and False Praise in the Corridors of Power
- The Foundation of Future Cornwall
- Hooded Men: League Said It Was torture 40 Years Ago
- West Tallaght Arrests: Minor Alleges Degrading Treatment By Police
- EU Obsfucates: IMO
- Amal Clooney Part of 'Hooded Men' Legal team
- Not a Mean Offence But Certainly a 'Mean' Sentence
- Red Face for 'Red Ed' as HSBC Depositer is Named as Labour Donor
- Celtic League Net Upgrade
- HSBC Scandal Deepens: Adams Challenges Government Over 'Golden Circle'
- Mann: Is Mysogyny Alive and Well?
- League Step Up Campaign Over Glasney Commemoration
- Getting the News media We deserve
- League Follow-up on Prison Concerns
- Milibands Mates: In Bed with the Merchants of Death
- Irish GCSE Back on England and Wales Curriculum in Two Years
- Military Cadets: Abuse Goes on as Child Commissioners Mark Time
- Miliband Biting the Hand that Feeds Him!
- DHA Respond on Anti-Money Laundering Queries
- GCHQ 'Have Form' When it Comes to Snooping on Ireland
- DHA Respond on RIPA
- Foreign Ministers Visit Strengthens Irish Scottish Links
- Mann: Mickey Mouse Jibe Prompts 'Bonhomie' From Government Towards Press
- Kernow: Branch Seek Revamp of Glasney Commemoration
- UK Minister: Trident Nuclear Deterrent Needed
- Manx Government Respond on TV Licence Queries
- Culture Minister urged to Review Management of Cornish Heritage
- St Piran Celebrations Go From Strength to Strength
- Flanagan: New Chapter in Scottish Irish Relations
- Maghaberry: League Call for International Inquiry
- Dick Cole Mebyon Kernow Crowdfunder Appeal
- Tactical Voting for Plaid Ruled Out by Welsh Greens
- Mann: Who is 'Feeling the Pain' as Austerity Bites
- ▼ Jan (51)
- Defence Sec Asked Why MOD Paid Hush-money in Abuse Cases
- Manx Government Undergo Pauline Conversion - Perhaps!
- Kernow: Government Confirm Framework Convention is Operative
- Stealing a Nation: The Plight of the Chagos Islanders
- Theresa May Quizzed on Actions she has Taken Over Cadet Abuse Allegations
- IAEA Respond Over Fire on Nuclear Transport
- League Query Manx Government on Licence Fee
- First Steps Taken Towards Establishing Commemorations Body
- Prosperity Participation and Fairness Focus for New First Minister
- CPT Uses Anniversary to Highlight Juvenile Justice Issues
- Formal Response From Department of Foreign Affairs on ECHR Case
- Irish Government Respond on Sellafield Safety
- Branch Reaches Out to Thousands Through Social Media
- League Notify UNCRC About MOD Cadet Sex Abuse Payment
- League Welfare Concerns Vindicated as MOD Pay £2m to Cadet Abuse Victims
- The Irish - British Military Training Agreement
- Celtic News Dissemination on Social Media
- Celtic League Irish Branch Slam British Irish Military Pact
- Last Chance to Debate Trident Before General Election 2015
- Submarine Threat to Fishing Safety Governments Challenged
- Funny Place Mann Graffiti Artists Get Police Priority Over Burglars
- League Condemn Irish British Military Training Agreement
- League Call for Maritime Law Update as Bugaled Breizh is Remembered
- Are TV Licence Snoops Using RIPA on the Isle of Man
- League Welcome Detailed Response From DHA Minister on MACR
- Note on the Death of OF Micheál S. O Loingsigh (1932-2014), 11 Castlewood Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry and Boherbue,Tralee, Co Kerry
- Forget the Charges, Taxes, Privatisations the Military Pantomime is Secure
- Ceremony Will Remember Fishermen Victims of Sub Incident
- Chemical and Conventional Weapons and Nuclear Waste Dumping
- Opposition to British Irish Military Agreement
- Call for NGO to Secure memory of Prominent Manx Figures
- Cornish Uniqueness and Cultural Difference to be Promoted at Historical Sites
- Secretary General Welcomes Commissioners Contribution to Oireachtas Committee
- Support for Commissioners Call for Review of Bank Services to Welsh Speakers
- Illiam Dhone Under Fire Again!
- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
- Mann: MACR Undermines Appropriate Adult Initiative
- New Programme on Man Targets Women
- DECC Quizzed on Safety of Nuclear Fire Ship
- More Illiam Dhone Commemoration Reports
- Judgement of Releasing Service Personnel to Military Custody Question
- HMI Decline Request for Nuclear Fire Safety Information at this Time
- Anger at Union Flag on Driving Licences Plan
- For 2015 - Our Demands (Remain) Moderate!
- Full Video Coverage of Illiam Dhone Day
- Irish Recruitment to British Army Halved
- CL News End of Year Housekeeping!
- HMIC Pressed on Nuclear COP Misconduct Allegations
- MOD Query on Troops Who Abscond Whilst Facing Criminal Charges
- Celtic League kernow: Bugaled Breizh Inquiry Call
- Break with Tradition at this Year's Illiam Dhone Commemoration
- ▼ Dec (52)
- ▼2014 (82)
- ▼ Dec (37)
- Devolution for Cornwall
- Kernow: League Attack Racism and Bigotry
- Always a Platform for Torture Apologists in the British Media
- Manx Government Sets Out Its Priorities
- Irish Government Urged to Seek release of Secret MoD CR Gas Files
- MoD Pressed to Published Files on Operation Pagoda
- CIA Torture Report Puts Role of UK and Irish Airports in Spotlight
- Children's Commissioner Pressed on Militarisation of Young People
- Celtic League Banners Fly at Cilmeri Rally, Cymru
- Yanukovych Planes Register Legitimate Say DED
- Police in Cornwall's Capital Adopt Bi-lingual Cornish English Signs
- Democracy? A Jacobin Stitch Up!
- Manx Government Rethink Public Sector Pensions Strategy
- Manx Government Respond On Heysham Reactor Restart Concerns
- UN CRC Lobbied on Military Cadets Issue
- IMO Say All Mediterranean States Have SAR Obligations
- United Kingdom Fail to Implement Torture Safeguards Protocol
- Pakistani Prime Minister Pressed on Asghar Case
- Plaid MP Raises Language Dimension fir Abuse Enquiry Victims
- Ukranian Aircraft On Manx register Querry
- Isle of man: Fire Chiefs Remarks 'Regrettable'
- Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf - Cilmeri 2014
- IMO Queried on Members Obligations
- The Hooded Men Message of Thanks To All Who Supported Them
- Irish Government to Act Over Hooded Men Torture
- Nuclear Regulator Seeks Fire Safety Improvements at Dounreay
- Mannin: Government defer post Office Closures as Anger Grows
- As East West tensions Rise Will Deadly Undersea Menace Return
- Kernow Branch Convenor 'Shocked' at Growing Racism Fears
- Celtic League GS Urges Taoiseach to Act Over Torture Case
- First Ministers St Andrews Day Message
- Irish Government Urged to Act Torture Case
- Heysham Reactor Restart Concerns
- New Airport for Nantes Put on Hold
- League Statement for MacLean Commemoration
- All Smiles At The BIC But No Time For the Hooded Men
- Welcome to the British Irish Council Family Nicola!
- ▼ Nov (19)
- Positive Follow-up Results from League Heritage Initiative
- IAEA Quized on Nuclear Ship Fire
- Alba: Level of Engagement in the Referendum Impressive
- Renewed Nuclear Fire Safety Concerns
- Manx Government Pension Policy Criticised
- Chronicles and Other Campaigns
- Speakers Lined up for 2015 Illiam Dhone
- Nationalists Condemn Post Office Plans
- Irish Government Pressed on Sellafield Ponds Danger
- League Branch Express Territorial Sea and Seabed Concerns
- Chronicles Campaign to the Renewed
- Concern at Lack of NGO Consultation By Governments
- Congratulations Nicola! Manx Branch Welcome Appointment of New First Minister
- New Sellafield Concerns
- Cornwall is a Nation - SNP Conference Delegates Told
- Breton Reunification: Deeply Disappointing Result
- Cornwall Branch Celtic League hosts meeting with English Heritage
- General Secretary: Breton Reunification is an Expectation!
- Scottish News Channel - Campaign Officially Launched!
- ▼ Oct (3)
- ▼ Sep (7)
- League Protest Treatment of Scot in Pakistan Jail
- League’s Message of Solidarity to the Breton People
- ‘Manipulation’ and ‘Interference’ in Referendum Campaign UN Told
- Branch Secretaries Speak at Welsh Event
- What the No Vote Means for the Celtic Nations
- Celtic League: Scottish Independence Statement
- Manx Chief Minister Asked Priorities
- ▼ Aug (1)
- ▼ Jul (1)
- ▼ Jun (3)
- ▼ May (6)
- League Cause for Concern Ahead of Possible Announcement
- European and Local Election Results - well almost!
- Irish Branch Supports Yes In Scottish Referendum: Meeting in Dublin and Belfast
- Call for MP to Review her Opinion
- Sunday Herald - First Scottish newspaper to support independence
- Welsh Language Prejudice Continues
- ▼ Apr (2)
- ▼ Jan (3)
- ▼ Dec (37)
- ▼2013 (106)
- ▼ Dec (3)
- ▼ Nov (5)
- ▼ Oct (5)
- ▼ Sep (5)
- ▼ Aug (5)
- Lack of Gaelic a ‘Missed Opportunity’ Police Chief Told
- Six Year Old ‘Disappointed’ by Sainsburys Lack of Bilingual Checkout Tills
- Gouelioù Etrekeltiek An OriantBreizh: Gouelioù Etrekeltiek An Oriant/Inter-Celtic festival of Lorient
- Lithuania Urged to Review Campbell Case
- Nuclear Cops Inspection Reports Secrete
- ▼ Jul (21)
- Online Gaelic Dictionary Gets Funding Boost
- Business Department Respond on Equipment Exports Issue
- RPII Respond on Nuclear New Build Safety Query
- Army Evade Questions Over Rape Case Soldier Who Absconded
- FCO Respond on Riot Equipment Query
- NICCY Response on Militarisation of Children Unsatisfactory
- UK Wary Over Interpol Information Request
- CPT Respond on Riot Control Equipment Issue
- MOD Pressed on Soldier Who Absconded
- HMIC Pressed on CNC Drunk on Duty Allegations
- Manx Should be Ashamed their Money Grubbing Economy Causes Such Misery
- The Nobel Prize for Hyprocrisy Goes to Ireland
- Tynwald: Theatre of Absurdity or Just a Good Day Out
- Questioning of Troops not Rigorous in N Ireland Killings Enquiries
- RAF Hawk Jets in Airprox Incidents
- Manx Police Say Unwanted British Soldier Has Eluded Justice
- Prism: the United Kingdom FO are Reluctant to Comment
- Duchy of Cornwall - unravelling the mystery
- Military Ceremonial Duties Prompt Police Query
- BB 'Gravy Train' Under Fire In Government House Paint Job
- Red Faces All Round as 'Nationlist Night Shift' Stike Again
- ▼ Jun (22)
- Salmond to Visit Mann
- New Research Suggests Military Link To Dolphin Deaths
- Time Role and Funding of Interpol came in for Greater Scrutiny
- Irish Government Respond on Interpol Query
- Prisms Allegations Fanciful Says Hague But the UK has Form
- A State Which Mocks A Dead Man - Mocks Itself
- Sign the Petition Against New Nuke at Wylfa
- Martin Corey - Northern Ireland Office Respond
- Manx Nationalist Graffiti Targets Governor
- Marginal Increase for Manx Miniomal Wage
- Council Of Europe Urged to Act on Riot Cops Equipment Safeguards
- United Kingdom Pressed On the Export of Riot Control Equipment
- Ruairí Ó Brádaigh Dies
- Kenya Land and Freedom Army Veterans Win Compensation From UK
- G8 - Keep a Tight Rein On Police UK Government Told
- ONR Post Fukushima Safety Report CL News Posts Addendum
- Post Fukushima Nuclear Safety ONR Response
- Non-Jury Courts Get Red Card from UN Watchdog
- UN Concerned Over UK Threshold For Juvenile Justice
- Nuclear Plant Fires: is there a culture of complacency?
- Militarisation of Children Condemned
- UN Torture Committee Raises UK Concerns
- ▼ May (13)
- Republican Prisoner Released After Two Years Feudal Incarceration
- Ireland Urged to Oppose Nuclear New-Build
- Manx Radio Chief Has Syriana Moment!
- Interpol Query Follow-Up
- UN Rapporteur Pressed On NI Judges Criticism
- Irish Government Dispute Veracity of HEW Libya Files
- UK MHI Presssed On Post Fukushima Safety Recommendations
- RPII Nuclear Risk Report Query
- Well Researched Article Highlights Basque Prisoner Plight
- Call For Justice In Corey Case
- Irish Government Dispute Veracity of HRW Libya Files
- Death of Manx Celtic League Stalwart
- Celtic League at Bratacha Flag Festival
- ▼ Apr (3)
- ▼ Mar (6)
- ▼ Feb (6)
- ▼ Jan (12)
- A Welsh Princess for a Subject People
- Nuclear Subs - Welcome in Wales Despite the Risks!
- ‘Private Individual’ Calls Shots in UK Politics
- League in Scotland Follow-up on Rendition
- CAT Urged to Press UK on Failure to Implement Istanbul Protocol
- CAT Urged to Press UK on Failure to Istanbul Protocol
- RPII/Sellafield Friendly Agreement Queried
- Military Cadet Forces - UNCRC Asked to Act
- Rendition Follow-up
- 2012 - New Year Review
- Illiam Dhone Commemoration - Update
- Illiam Dhone Commemoration
- ▼2012 (74)
- ▼ Dec (4)
- ▼ Nov (18)
- Wales: Drone Site Cause for Concern
- GS speaks at BIC event
- Welsh Law – the First in 600 Years!
- Brittany: New Airport Protest
- New Wylfa Plant Makes Britain Nucear Odd Man Odd
- Protect Language and Culture from Cuts Call at AGM
- AGM Condemns Extension of Military Testing
- Militarisation of Children Condemned at AGM
- Appeal for Support
- Scottish Police and Prisons Face CoE Scrutiny
- Shadowy World of Special Police in the Spotlight
- Irish Language: Acceptable Funding Scheme for Voluntary Sector Call
- Carn: Publication to Continue for 2013
- CL AGM: General Secretary Mandated to Improve Maximise UN NGO Status
- Call For Monitoring To Be More Proactive
- Gaeltacht Bill Roundly Criticised at Celtic League AGM
- Internment by the Back Door Condemned By AGM
- AGM Maps Way Forward For the Celtic League
- ▼ Oct (1)
- ▼ Sep (5)
- ▼ Aug (5)
- ▼ Jul (4)
- ▼ Jun (3)
- ▼ May (9)
- Parents Despair Over Jubilee Events
- Unexpected Olympic Legacy for Cornwall
- Cornwall: Police Visit Homes Ahead of Olympic Torch Relay
- New French President is Full of Promises, But Can He Deliver?
- Cymru Branch Organise Prisoner Commemoration
- Gaelic Month of May in Nova Scotia
- Irish Branch Questions Legality of Detention
- Big Stakes in Local Elections
- Members Attend Pasty Tax Rally
- ▼ Apr (9)
- Marion Price: Prisoner In Poor health As Internment Continues
- Lily Ban Indicates Forceful Resonance of 1916 Symbol
- Mannin: Royal Visit An Irrelevance
- League Thanked For Participation in RPII Research project
- League Members to Attend Protest Meeting
- Gaidhlig Speakers Divided on Independence
- Special Commission Meet to Discuss League's Future
- Irish Language - Positive Census Results but Major Threats Loom
- League Submit Statment to UN
- ▼ Mar (6)
- ▼ Feb (1)
- ▼ Jan (9)
- Cymru: Branch Secretary Questions Relevance of Crown
- Ireland (NI): Language Broadcasting Issue Still Live
- Referendum Debate Launched
- BIC Meeting Overshadowed By Scottish Independence Debate
- Manx Nationalists Welcome Jamaica Moves
- Scottish Referendum London Should Not Interfere
- Illiam Dhome Speeches At MV Website
- Mannin: Good Turnout For Commemoration
- Kernow: Monument Maintainance Controversy
- ▼2011 (240)
- ▼ Dec (18)
- League Manx Secretary Hits Out Over Vandalism At Dhone Site
- Manx Mystery Missile Ship
- Illiam Dhone: Vandals Strike In The Wrong Place
- Breton GAA Moves
- Breton Reunification Moves a Step Closer
- Cadet Death: Man In Court On Health and Safety Charges
- Manx Arms Shipping Case Exceptional Allege Finnish Police
- Kernow: Branch Opposition To Development Vindicated
- Wales:National Museum Queried On Artefacts Transfer policy
- GS Attacks Prince Charles Duchy Role
- British Institutions Should be More Mature Over Restitution Issue
- Policy of Sending Celtic Treasures To British Museum Queried
- FAW Stance Applauded
- RTE Forced To Apologise For Harmful Report
- Celtic Governments Discuss Shared Power Plans
- Tragedy Underlies Need to Maintain Sea Rescue Service
- N Ireland Child Poverty Worsens
- Irish Branch Endorse Gaelscoileanna Concern Over Possible Cuts
- ▼ Nov (24)
- Kernow: St Piran's Day Campaign Gets Council Boost
- Kernow: GS Acts On Environmental Protection Issue
- Plaid Representative Speaks At MK Conference
- Acknowledgement of AGM Support
- The Mouse That Roured
- AGM: Opening Address On CL TV
- RAF: Troubled Trainer Claims Another Victim
- Conference 2011: Key Note Speech
- Prominent Breton Nationalist And League Founder Remembered
- AGM Speeches On CL TV Site Soon
- League Congratulate FAW On Team GB Stance
- AGM - GS Cymru Report Highlights Language Issues
- AGM - Mannin A Diversity of Topics IN GS Report
- AGM - Celtic League - A Tireless Champion Of The Rights Of Celtic Nations
- AGM - GS Report On the Celtic Diaspora
- AGM - Broad Agenda For GS Report On Host Country
- Commonwealth - Failure to Tackle Human Rights Issue A Disgrace
- Fifty Years Of Campaigning For The Rights Of The Celtic Nations
- AGM - GS Provides Detailed Report On Events In Breizh
- AGM - UN Roster Status We Must Participate Says GS
- AGM - DoI Records Tribute To Alan Heusaff In Publicising League's First Two Decades
- Carn's Editor's Report: Production Stable And Efficient Quality improved
- A Significant Year For The League Convenor Told
- Alba: Falkirk Meeting Marks 50 years Of the Celtic League
- ▼ Oct (13)
- Old News Archive Back OnLine
- Cameron Deflects Attention From Army Murder Gangs
- UN Urged to Hold UK To Account Over Protocol
- Manx CM Retains Nationalist Core Principles
- Fife Beach Closed As More Radioactive Particles Found
- Offshore Wind Farms - IoM Respond
- Istanbul Protocol - IoM Response
- Manx Election - New Chief Minister in Post
- Conference on Pan Europe Preschool Minority Language Programme
- Protest Over Treatment of Bahrain Medical Staff
- IMO Queried On Offshore Windfarm Regulations
- Eleventh Hour Reprive for ETVs Welcomed
- Wallace Letter to be Returned to Scotland
- ▼ Sep (14)
- Age Is Not A Barrier
- Racist Media Prejudice The Celts Endure
- Kernow - Poverty Response Simply 'Bland Rhetoric'
- Rugby Petition Calls For Alba Strip
- S4C Funding Issue Still Live
- Kernow: Time For A Tourist Tax?
- 'Serious And Gratuitous Violence' By British Army
- Police Officers Sign Up To Learn Language
- Kernow - Campaign For National Day Goes On
- Cameron Urged to Tackle Cornish Poverty
- Wales - Strike Commemoration Told Army Should Apologise for Deaths
- Comments About Welsh Language Provoke Anger
- General Council - S4C Funding Changes Protest
- Alba - Controversial March Banned
- ▼ Aug (28)
- Gardi: Alleged Assault At Shell Corrib Site
- US Leagal Move By British Government Threatens Oral History Projects
- Scotland: Positive Response On Istambul Protocol Application
- Manin: Judiciary Adopts Self Regulatory Code Of Conduct
- Prince Criticised for Political Meddling
- Scotland: Plans for a National Police Service
- More Light Shed On UDR's Murky Record
- Another Crash For Troubled Jet Trainer
- Irish President: Candidates Should Have A Strong Appreciation of the Language
- Council Urged to Reject Demo Application
- Riots An English Event
- Return Of Welsh Artifacts Not Part Of Current Strategy
- Loss Of ETV Cover Brings Imminent Threat To Coastal Communities
- Justice Departments Respond on Istanbul Principles
- Sellafield Leak Exclusive
- 38 YEARS OF CARN, The Celtic League Magazine, Now Accessible
- Ballymurphy Massacre 40th Anniversary
- Cymru: Independance Would Have Created Greater Properity
- Plaid Cymru Leadership Moves
- Kernow: Historic Sites Campaign Update
- Scotland: New Online Gaelic Resource
- Carn Issue Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary of League
- Wales: Statement on Language Strategy
- Wales: Annual Report on Language Development
- Kernow: Honoury Roll For Long Serving League Member
- Alba: Stand Up For The Language Call
- Cymru: Artifacts Campaign Update
- Kernow: Branch To Meet Natural England
- ▼ Jul (20)
- Mann: Governor Stripped of His Powers Still Calls The Shots
- Cymru: Preschool Study Project For GS
- UK: Justice Ministries Queried On Torture Convention Training
- UN Say Garda Síochána Should Not Investigate Itself
- League EU Maritime Safety Call Vindicated
- Ireland: Rendition Flights Once Again In the Spotlight
- Best or Bent: How Currupt is the Met?
- OECD Queried About UK Police Bribaery and Corruption
- 'No Authority to Act in Cornwall' Quango Told
- South Irish Sea Designated Danger Area Query
- Wales: InterCelticism "on the ground"
- Ireland: Magaberry Prison Concerns
- Arms Traders Profit as Africa Suffers
- Ecclesiastical Support For League Bahrain Stance
- Report Will Vindicate League Concerns About Military Aircraft Safety
- Maghaberry Prison Concern Response
- Ireland: Human Rights Report Portrays Grim Picture
- New Welsh Secretary Elected
- Martyrs Remembered at Rally
- Protests Reflect Dissatisfaction With Government Cuts
- ▼ Jun (8)
- Radio Programme Will Pay Tribute to Celtic Patriot
- Brittany: Demonstrations for Reunification of Brittany
- UK Conservatives Could break Up the 'Sacred Union'
- Cooperate With Brittany and Wales GS Urges
- Welsh Minister Speaks At Breton Regional Council
- Treasures Unearthed in Cornwall
- Welsh Tresures Query
- Wales: New Assembly Meets Next Week
- ▼ May (21)
- UK Government Has A Duty To Assist Bradley: Says MP
- Mann: Police Probe Will It Involve The Chief Contstable And AG Office?
- Ireland Royal Visit : Empty seats and Empty Dublin Streets
- Miltarisation of Young people Commissioners Response
- The Queen, Mubarak or Gadaffi, Spot Any Difference Says Morrisey
- Cymru: Hotel Language Dispute Update
- The Radio Station: The Commentator and the Tax Haven Critic
- Oral History Probe May Uncover the Unexpected
- Militarisation of Young People Commissioners Response
- IAEA Response On Stormwater Outfalls Inadequate
- Autobiography Of League Founding Member
- Sellafield A Clear And Present Danger
- Salmond Victory Overcomes Electoral System Designed To block SNP
- Election analysis
- Canada:French Seperatist Vote Collapses
- US Urged To End Ill-Treatment Of WikiLeaks Suspect
- Protest Grows As Sea Rescue Cuts Looms
- Fat Pay For Judges Shows Priority Are Wrong
- Time To Address The Scandal of Judges And Deemsters Pay
- NIICY Follow Up
- ▼ Apr (33)
- Aland: General Secreatry Visit
- Manx Finance: Links To Torture And Death
- Wales: Hotel Language Ban Protest
- Nuclear Safety: Sellafield Leak And Power Station Issues
- Mannin:Role Of Governor Not Compatible With Democracy
- North Wales : S4C Funding Protest Continues.
- Hotel Welsh language Ban Sparks Anger
- Ireland:MOD Access To Irish Data Above Board Say DPC
- FCO: Dictators Offshore Assests Under Scrutiny
- Tynwald Questions over US Officals Visit
- Garda on Trial Over Rape Allegation
- Cymru: Sub Region Plan Opposed By League Scrapped
- An Unprecented Colonial murder Spree Comes Back To Haunt Britain
- Carn Archive Now On The Web
- Spain relents and allows Prisons Report To Be Published
- Nationalists Unimpressed By Imported Governer
- ECHR Condem Spain For Denying Freedom of Expression
- Spanish Courts Ban New Basque Political Party
- International Safety Audit Of WYLFA Operation Plan Sought
- International Safety Audit Of Wylfa Operation Plan Sought
- Wylfa: Did Economic And Energy Needs Outweigh Safety
- Governor An Anachronistic Colonial Vestige
- NICCY Urged To Combat Militarisation of Children
- RSF Dublin Protest Against Queens Visit
- Basque Country: Police Torture In the Spotlight
- St Piran's Day Holiday: Debate Denied
- Census Cornish Options Campaign Continues
- Is It Lawful For MOD To Access Irish Data?
- IAEA: Questions Posed On Sellifield Stormwater Monitoring
- Governor An Anachronistic Colonial Vestige
- EVT Meeting Report
- Commissioners Queried On Miltarisation Of Children
- BBC Spin Niarac Trial Verdict
- ▼ Mar (22)
- Lewis Chessmen: Scottish Government Resolute On Need To Reunite Pieces
- Scotland: Tornado Accidents RAF Reply
- Thirty Five Years On British Apologise For Killing Armagh Schoolgirl
- Mannin: Slow Freeze On Libyan Assests
- Carn Online
- ETV: No Complete Risk Yet in Place
- No Evidence of Iranian Arms Shipment On Manx Registered Vessel
- Elderly Accident Prone Nuclear Plant Poses No Threat
- Manin: Language Project Visit By League General Secretary
- Assembly Government Not Enthusiastic For Return Of Gold Cape
- Enviroment Agency Responds on Sellafield Drainage Issue
- Met Office Celtic language Options to be Made More Accessible
- Japan Crisis Must Prompt Rethink On Newbuild Nuclear Power Plants
- Technetium Levels RPII Response
- Call For Welsh Office To Be Scrapped
- Manx Government Unrepentant Over Links With Bahrain Regime
- Wales: Yes To Direct Law Making Powers
- Ireland: Opposition To Proposed Royal Visit
- Mannin: Wedding Holiday Criticism
- Irish General Elections Results - Will a Coalition Government Emerge by the Weekend?
- Sellafield Storm Drains Query Monitoring Questions Unanswered
- League Support Yes For Wales Campaign
- ▼ Feb (26)
- Celtic League 50th Birthday: Help Us Contiinue The Work
- Irish General Election Language Support Call
- Bahrain Manx Bilateral Ties Shameful
- Emergency Tug Withdrawal: Dot pressed For Copy Of Risk Assessment(s)
- Manx Finance With Murderous Gulf State
- Protest To Spanish Over Ill Treatment of Detainees
- Scottish Government urged To press Case for return of Lewis Chessmen
- Environment Agency Quizzed on Sellafield Storm Water issue
- Mann: Work Permit Reform An Assault On Employment Security
- Gold Cape of Mold
- League Welcome MET Office Language Service
- FCO Pressed To Include British Tax Havens In Mubarek Assets Freeze
- CPT Produce Critical Report On Irish Prisons And Police
- League Ask For Iran Arms Probe
- Ground Crash Jets Query To MoD
- Irish Sea Technetium Levels Queried
- National Day: An Important Symbol Of Identity and Pride
- NSD Pressed On Sellafield Surface Contamination Incidents
- Emergency Towing Vessel: MCA To Hold Consultative Meetings
- Jinxed Nuclear Sub Was Operated Safely Say Navy
- Basque Arrests - Torture Allegations Probed By League
- St Piran's Day Petition
- Spain Declines To Allow Puublication of 2007 CPT Prisons report
- Cornish Language Preschool Celebrates First Year
- CPT Queried On 2007 Report Into Spanish Police and Prisons
- Sellafield: Latest HSE Report Highlights Safety Issues
- ▼ Jan (13)
- Obsolete Fighter Bomber Crashes In Scotland
- Alba: Wallace Letter Joins Celtic Treasures List
- New Website Highlights Stolen Celtic Treasures
- Leaked Letter Sheds Light on Police Language Row
- Police Raids A Regular Feature of Basque Life
- Extradition Case Concerns
- Celtic League Review of the Year
- League Welcome New Basque Political Party
- Manx Government: The Arrogance of Fools
- Call For Seanad To Be Abolished
- Basque Suspects Were Tortured
- 2011 Illiam Dhome Commemoration
- Irish Government Reluctant To Recind OASA provisions
- ▼ Dec (18)
- ▼2010 (294)
- ▼ Dec (20)
- Protest As BBC Axe Irish Community Programme
- Ireland:Concern Over Psychiatric Care Provision At Mountjoy
- Did Stricken Sub Comply With IMO Regulations
- EMSA: League Express Maritime Safety Concern
- Ireland: Language Strategy Launched
- UK Sidestep Questionmarks Around Manx Iranian Links
- Licence Refund Another BBC Con Trick
- Irish TV Broadcasting Developments
- Devonwall Police Disengenuous Over Bilingual Signs Issue
- BBC Alba On Freeview
- The BIC Achieving Nothing and Going Nowhere
- UNESCO: Status of Celtic Languages Outlined By Atlas
- France: Regional Language Bill Unveiled
- UK Pressed On Treaty Consultation Issue
- New Welsh Language Legislation Adopted
- Ministry Of Justice Respond On UN Treaty Consultative Process
- Kernow: Planning Protest
- US Treasury Designate Manx Companies With Iran Link
- Bilingual Sinage Promotes Heritage and Culture
- Gaelic Plan Consultation Published
- ▼ Nov (18)
- Kernow:Glimmer of Hope Over Boundary Issue
- S4C Funding Secured Say DCMS
- Plaudit For Airport Over Language policy
- Alba: Political Parties Pressed On Language Issue
- DWP Rebut Forced Labour Concern
- Croke Park Commemoration Query
- Brittany: Post Office Language Protest
- League Convenor Gets Broadcast Slot
- MCA Share League Concerns But ETV Provision Will End
- Income Not Safety Driving Wylfa Life Extension
- UK Government Pursuing Right Wing Agenda In Cornwall
- UK Government Challenged On Unemployed Forced Labout Plans
- S4C: BBC Move Could Compromise Independence
- Wylfa: Manx Government To Seek More Information
- British Government Disingenuous Over Afghan Death Toll
- More League Records Archived
- Minister Responds to Schools Funding Concern
- Ford Maghaberry Assurance Welcomed
- ▼ Oct (14)
- UK Tresury:PMS Announcement Welcomed
- Stranded Submarine: League Warning Prophetic
- Union Jack Flag Waving Ends In Shambles
- No To Devonwall Protest
- WYLFA Extension Irresponsible Say League
- Irish Government Urged To Press UK On WYLFA Operating Extension
- Chemical Tanker Incident Highlights ETV Cut Concerns
- Hunger Strike Protest Over Boundary Changes
- Ireland: Brits Out now Say One in Seven
- Cape Wrath:Firing Of Trace Ammunition To Continue Despite Fire Risk
- The British Irish Council Going Nowhere Fast!
- UK Budget Cuts: DfT Urged To Secure Maritime Safety
- Mannin:Damaging And Inaccurate: Responds Top Cop To Anonymous Slurs
- Ireland: Education Funding Query
- ▼ Sep (19)
- IOM Treasury Cast 'Some Light' On Radio Manx Trust
- Manx Government Pressed Again On Iran Shipping Issue
- Mannin: Will Judiciary Selection Changes Advance Transparency?
- Roma: French Ambassador To London Responds
- Dublin: Response From French Ambassador over Roma Expulsions
- London: S4C Cuts Protest
- Iran: No Sanctions Breached But Govt. Silent On Human Rights Issue
- Radio Manx Trust Clarity Sought
- UK Pressed On Failure To Consult Over CEDAW Report
- Manx Parliamentarians On Kenya Trip
- Think Again On S4C Cuts Hunt Urged
- Irish Government Queried On All Ireland DTT And Saorsat provision
- UK Questioned On Irish DTT Provision
- Nationalist Awakening
- Carn Autumn 2010
- Canada: Town Name Change Response
- Call For Credible UN Inquiry Into Gaza Flotilla
- Na Wrewgh Tava Agan OrdirCornish Concerns Over Boundary Changes
- Renewed Concern Over Irishman Held In Lithuania
- ▼ Aug (35)
- Canada: Name Change Query
- Carn On The Web
- Maghaberry: Independant Enquiry Call
- MOD Probed On Overseas Recruitment
- Mannin: Judiciary Selection Why The Secrecy
- MOD Urged To Come Clean On Numbers killed By British Army
- Cape Wrath MOD Queried On Steps To Repair Damage
- Ireland: Conditions For Female Prisoners A Concern
- Manx Parole Board Is Still Secret
- France: League Protest Over treatment Of Roma
- UK Treasury Pressed Again On PMS Savers Plight
- Death of Schoolgirl Comes Back To Haunt British Army
- Mann: Query About Iranian Shipping Links
- Cornwall: Police Queried As Bilingual Signs Go Missing
- Iran-Manx Shipping: Query to Isreali Embassy
- Ireland: Judicial Conduct Committee Proposal In New Bill
- Cornwall: Licence Protest Ends
- Cornwall: Secretary In Licence Protest
- Border Agency Immigration Consultation
- Cymru: Police Use of Language Tokenistic
- Celtic League: Patagonia Update
- BBC Asserts That Coverage Of Celtic Countries Has 'Improved'
- The League: Campaigning For Cornwall
- Wales is a Country
- Travellers: EU Disquiet Over Stonehaven Incident
- Welsh Language Measure: Improvements Sought
- Cornwall: League Secretary To Shred TV Licence In BBC Protest
- Celtic League: UN NGO Roster Status Approved
- New Facebook Site Lambasts Anti-Manx Radio
- BBC Programme Links Manx Banks To Match Funding
- Sanctions Busting: Refer it to UN Says Manx Chief Minister
- Return of Historical Artefacts A Priority
- Withdraw Troops Say Welsh Chapel Leaders
- Racist Attacks On Travellers Raised With EU
- Successful Launch For CL Kernow Radio Programme
- ▼ Jul (26)
- Ireland: New Irish-medium Schools For the North
- League Founder Celebrates 100th Birhtday
- Ireland Fine Gael Gaeltacht Spokesperson Concern
- Breizh: Call For Change To Language Law
- Kernow: Disquiet Over Boundary Changes
- Maghaberry: Independent Enquiry Needed Into Prison Regime
- Breton Issues In Focus At CL AGM
- Move To Put Carn Online Welcomed
- More Nukes Means More Waste
- AGM 2010 Irish Branch Resolutions
- AGM Voices Concern About Irish Prison Conditions
- AGM Urges Support For PMS Savers
- AGM Calls For Inquiry Into Suspicious Basque Deaths
- Cornwall Is A Country AGM Tells BBC
- UN NGO Status Recommendation A Significant Achivement AGM Told
- Delegates Enjoy Successful Annual General Meeting
- CPT Asked To Probe Manx Police Complaints Inertia
- Store Queried On Languages Policy
- New Report Criticises Prejudices Towards Travellers
- Ireland: Opposition To Visit By English Queen Grows
- Tynwald Ceremonial A Big Turn Off
- Mec Vannin Blast Military Presence
- Arrests Were Politically Motivated Say Mec Vannin
- Graffiti: Will Cornish Cops Mimic Ham-fisted Approach Of Manx Colleagues
- One And All: Speaking Out With A Cornish Voice
- New Bugaled Breizh Probe
- ▼ Jun (17)
- Foinse Focus On Manx, Breton and Cornish Languages
- Women's Empowerment Global Debate
- A Link Between The Celtic Countries
- Tamar Bridge Poll Response
- Tynwald Day: Celebration Of Nationalist Pride Or Colonial Festival
- Its The Nationalist Mesage That Upset Mr Microphone
- Mannin: Helping Iran Beat Sanctions Via Deception?
- Positive Noises Over Chessmen Return
- UN Move Welcomed As A Fantastic Result
- British Army Reiterate Intention To Recruit Irish Nationals
- Bloody Sunday: Callous And Brutal Murder By The British Army
- Magahaberry prison: Ombudsman Report
- United Nations: League Pleased At NGO Status Recommendation
- Cornwall: League Congratulate Cornwall On Framework Initiative
- Cornwall: National Trust Campaign Update
- Dublin Protest After Attack On Gaza Humanitarian Convoy
- England World Cup Memorabilla Causes Offence
- ▼ May (30)
- UNESCO: Manx Government Hypocricy
- Complaint To United Nations Decolonisation Committee
- EU Commissioner Shares Concerns About Treatment of Roma/Travellers
- Kernow: Tesco Review Position On St George Flag Issue
- Maghaberry: Detailed response From Prison Service
- Positive Response Over Graffiti Youth Concerns
- Liberal Democrat Plans For Cornwall
- Kernow: Breton Visit To Cornish Language Preschool
- Kernow: Flag Wars
- Langdon Like A Character from the Film 'Casablanca'
- Manx Police Complaints: Coast Effective Argument Fatuous
- UN Special Rapporteur Urged To Probe Basque Death Squads
- Agence Bretagne Presse
- The Graffiti Has Gone Replaced By Spin
- Icelandic Ash Scuppers War Game
- Bugaled Breizh: Credible International Enquiry Needed To Resolve Mystery
- Dungavel: Shameful Child Detention Policy Ends
- League Campaign Vindicated As ID Card Plan Scrapped
- Manx Nationalists Cautioned But The Elephant In The Room Remains
- Protest To French Ambassador Over Graffiti Youth
- MOD Recruitment Website Criticisms
- Nuclear Submarines Operated For Two Years With Defects
- Call For Stolen Banner To Be Returned
- Irish Government Respond On Traveller Discrimination Concerns
- Latest Edition of Manx Gaelic Newsletter
- Department of Transport Reject Tamar Toll protest
- Safety Summary Reveals Fire At Nuclear Plant
- Criminal Damage Today - National Landmark Tomorrow!
- Dublin Plane Explosives Report Secret
- Kernow Branch Back Anti-Lobbying Campaign
- ▼ Apr (20)
- Manx By Birth, British By Accident, English Never
- Police Criticised Over Treatment of Graffiti Juveniles
- Cornwall Council Call For Minority Status
- Mot Necessary to Comply with Paris Principles Says Manx Government
- Mannin: UN Rights Reporting Government Response
- Cornwall: TV Licence Protest Over BBC Bias and Contempt
- Fragile Peace Does Not Need Bombs or Spooks
- Activist Held By Police Following Graffiti Protest
- UK Political Parties Draw Criticism Over Insulting Map Images
- BBC Election Bias Concern
- Douglas England: Manx Government Fails to Make its Mark
- Ensure Wellbeing of Minorities Call
- Kernow: Funds for Preschool Donated
- Maghaberry Kernow Branch Protest at Prisoners Treatment
- Celtic Congress AGM
- Maghberry Disturbances Independent Inquiry Needed
- Kernow: Support for Bilingual Signs Campaign
- Breizh: Call for financial support for ABP
- New advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General SecretaryNew advisory role for Celtic League's General Secretary
- KERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National TrustKERNOW: Use the language call to National Trust
- ▼ Mar (50)
- ALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respondALBA: Dounreay unprocessed foreign waste HSE respond
- EU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discriminationEU Commissioner asked to act on discrimination
- KERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protestKERNOW: Tamar bridge poll protest
- ÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolishedÉIRE: Last physical example of infrastructure of tyranny demolished
- ÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closerÉIRE: Judgement day for death squad a step closer
- ALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delayALBA: BBC ALBA - Language body concern at Freeview delay
- ALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilitiesALBA: New Gaelic primary education facilities
- League concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retiredLeague concerns vindicated as unsafe aircraft is prematurely retired
- Combating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agendaCombating social exclusion bottom of UK agenda
- ÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extraditionÉIRE: Basque man to fight extradition
- ALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump dangerALBA: New bomb find exposes sea dump danger
- UK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the stateUK: Roma and Travellers failed by the state
- Promoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UKPromoting independence an unwarranted drain on resources says UK
- MANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic developmentMANNIN: Graffitti campaign McCarthyistic development
- British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!British army: heroes of Gallipoli but murderers at Doire (Derry)!
- ALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concernsALBA: Police complaints commissioner concerns
- ALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayedALBA: BBC Alba Freeview launch delayed
- FRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detentionFRANCE: CAT will focus on access and pre-trial detention
- ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?ÉIRE: Gardaí flex their industrial muscle: will others follow?
- ÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible optionsÉIRE: PMS - First Minister's Office upbeat on possible options
- Sellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authoritiesSellafield storm water outfalls not checked say English health and safety authorities
- ÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositorsÉIRE: PMS - still no relief for depositors
- KERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promotedKERNOW: Customs and traditions to be promoted
- Call to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identityCall to England and France to respect national identity
- Nationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election biasNationalists hit out at BBC election bias
- Detained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to SpainDetained Basque could face harm if returned to Spain
- ÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in MoscowÉIRE: Aircrash mystery – The answer probably lies gathering dust in Moscow
- Debate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitableDebate on minimum age of criminal responsibility inevitable
- MANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the peopleMANNIN: Manx Police - loyal to the crown and not the people
- Troubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased outTroubled English military jet to be phased out
- ALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says SalmondALBA: Trident replacement indefensible and obscene says Salmond
- CYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthenedCYMRU: Wales Patagonia university links strengthened
- ÉIRE: Bureau report highlights police abuse and discrimination 12-3-2010
- KERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaignerKERNOW: Cornish Branch support for imprisoned Shell campaigner
- ÉIRE: Mayo - message of support from Celtic League for jailed Shell campaigner 11-3-2010
- SELLAFIELD: League welcome minister's statement 11-3-2010
- KERNOW: Branch donation to preschool 10-3-2010
- ÉIRE: Claim that Basque to be extradited will face harsh treatment 9-3-2010
- MANNIN: Manx LegCo election eschews gender equality 9-3-2010
- British defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailedBritish defence minister's hypocrsy as PTSD soldier jailed
- ÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing universityÉIRE: Irish language course to be available at Beijing university
- MANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage riseMANNIN: Low paid short-changed as Manx government gerrymander minimum wage rise
- ÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarmÉIRE: North of Ireland child poverty cause for alarm
- ÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the futureÉIRE: MOU aims to deliver All-Ireland TV broadcasting in the future
- MANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim LeagueMANNIN: Independence graffiti removed: police chief out of touch claim League
- ÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protesterÉIRE: Support urged for jailed Shell protester
- MANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plansMANNIN: Manx parliament asked to oppose Sellafield plans
- KERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holidayKERNOW: More council staff get Saint Piran's day holiday
- British Irish Institutions 4-3-2010
- ▼ Feb (27)
- MANNIN: Bobbies on the beat? Or up the mountain!
- BREIZH: Successful demonstration in support of reunification 27-2-2010
- ÉIRE: Irish government asked to help trace missing CR gas
- UK border agency racism allegations 27-2-2010
- EASA evaluating information on Slovak Dublin explosives flight 27-2-2010
- MANNIN: Debate over police tactics continues 27-2-2010
- Baltic hell of imprisoned Irishman is to close 26-2-2010
- ALBA: Draft referendum bill published 25-2-2010
- British nuclear directorate evasive about plant stormwater issue 25-2-2010
- MANNIN: Police spied on themselves but it's secret 25-2-2010
- BREIZH: Reunification on the political agenda 23-2-2010
- IRELAND: Broadhaven Bay policing issue COE respond 23-2-2010
- MANNIN: Police patrol report 21-2-2010
- WALES: Plaid issue discussion paper for Welsh legal system 21-2-2010
- IRELAND: Flawed murder inquiries continue despite UN criticism 21-2-2010
- MANNIN: Measured response but faux pas from Chief Constable 21-2-2010
- Decorated former Garda in Manx employment fight 21-2-2010
- KERNOW: St. Piran's day holiday campaign 15-2-2010
- MANX POLICE: Committee on the Prevention of Torture urged to act over legal access issue 15-2-2010
- MANNIN: Ham-fisted police crackdown stokes nationalist alientation 15-2-2010
- KERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiativeKERNOW: Celtic League General Secretary interviewed on BBC on Cornish language preschool initiative
- ALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacyALBA: Dounreay's deadly legacy
- ▼ Jan (18)
- MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?MANNIN: Independence referendum why not one on the future of of LegCo?
- MANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in ManninMANNIN: UK Supreme Court verdict also exposes 'unlawful' laws in Mannin
- MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!MANNIN: Colonial government! Colonial justice! Colonial police!
- MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?MANNIN: Sensitivity in the media?
- KERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaignKERNOW: Academic backs Kernow National Trust campaign
- MANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislationMANNIN: Court ruling also exposes flaw in Manx legislation
- ÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language actÉIRE: Irish language act
- English Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territoriesEnglish Foreign Ministry gerrymanders evidence to UN on dependent territories
- ÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policingÉIRE: No role for military in policing
- MANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of othersMANNIN: Manx nationalists should always remember the commitment of others
- Wind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resourceWind farm plans demonstrate UK arrogance about sea resource
- ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)ÉIRE: €10 million bill for US military use of Sionainn (Shannon)
- ÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actionsÉIRE: EASA asked to probe Slovak police actions
- ÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodiesÉIRE: Maghaberry concerns expressed to NIO and medical bodies
- KERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool projectKERNOW: Cross Celtic support for Cornish preschool project
- KERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issueKERNOW: National Trust negative on dual signage issue
- ▼ Dec (20)
- ▼2009 (2)
- ▼ Dec (2)
- Mebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaperMebyon Kernow is on the up according to local newspaper
- ▼ Dec (2)
- ▼2003 (1)
- ▼2001 (1)
- ▼1997 (3)
- ▼1996 (6)